It has happened to every person who has ever driven a car in anger. A loss of control where the only thing that prevents you from wadding your stuff into a pile is luck, physics, the power of a forgiving god, or some combo of all three. I’ve heard race car drivers tell their stories where even they were certain that a huge crash was imminent only to find themselves sliding to a harmless stop. The guy in this video is really cooking around the famed Nurburgring in Germany behind the wheel of some sort of hot rodded Audi sedan. Things go bad for him while drifting around a corner, intentionally or not.
Helmetless and hauling ass, the Audi goes into a series of slides and spins which leave his tires flat spotted and his shorts brown spotted. What those slides do not do though is result in this car being banged up. We wish there was in car video of this situation with a German translator present because you KNOW that this fellow was saying some stuff worth listening to in there.
I’m not going to armchair quarterback his driving job but I will give him internationally high marks for his avoidance of fixed objects while having zero control of the car. A great drag racing friend of mine named Don Roberts was involved in a horrid crash back in the early 1970s and from it came a famous quote. “After the third flip, I lost control.”
This guy could say the same thing after about the second or third flat spin.
Nordschleife CRASH Audi S2 Nürburgring Touristenfahrten Unfall
same car but less lucky