BangShifter Tim Booher gets the credit for tipping us off to this truly awesome video that was actually made by Triumph and takes a tongue in cheek look at building their Rocket III motorcycle. While the video is from a few years back, that doesn’t matter much because the humor in it is so good. Filmed and voiced in a serious documentary tone that adds to the laughs, we get to see the Rocket IIIs engine gets “grown”, we get to see how the horsepower is added, why that is a risky procedure and we also get to see some “real world” testing performed. It is always pretty awesome when someone in a big company gets a creative idea that the suits undoubtedly thought was “risky” and they let it go through. The results are almost always awesome and this video is awesome.
Perhaps the best part is how they get the bike’s handling prowess. If that part does not make you laugh, see a doctor. Witty, intelligent, and designed for people who have some semblance of a mechanical mind to understand, this is a winner all around.
Classic British humor!
It picked up towards the end, but this video is mostly stupid.
You figured that out all on your own?