Yet another example of what makes human beings great. This guy saw the compressor from a fridge and decided that he could make a running, gasoline burning engine out of it. And he did! This is one of the weirder projects that we have ever seen but also one of the most interesting and ingenious. Why did he do this? Because he could and because he wanted to learn something. What he learned was that the little piston compressor from your fridge is capable of withstanding the pressures and heat of combustion. Now, the acrylic cylinder head is kind of a different story but who cares?
This is the type of interesting, weird, cool, awesome, and horrendous idea that gearheads come up with. The video is fascinating to watch became you are wondering the whole time how the guy was going to overcome some obstacle or potential stumbling block.
What a cool thing for a young hot rodder to work on, to try. Messing around with stuff like this inspires the imagination and leads to bigger and better things. We’re not ashamed to admit that we would not have thought to do this….un ever. .