SAVED! This Video of The Top Five Saves From The Goodwood Revival Is Awesome

SAVED! This Video of The Top Five Saves From The Goodwood Revival Is Awesome

We have showed you some cool videos from the 2018 Goodwood Revival in England but this one is the best yet. The footage you will see highlights the top five saves that were made during the racing action over the course of the event. In our mind the first one shown is actually the craziest but they all have an element of “butt pucker” involved, that is for sure.

The variety of stuff that you will see in the slips is impressive. Little cars, massive Fords, Cortinas, Jags, and the list goes on and on and on. Cars are the great worldwide unifier, aren’t they? If there was some sort of global congress of car enthusiasts we could fix a lot of the crummy stuff in the world pretty quick I presume. If nothing else, the bench-racing would be hilarious in 50 different languages.

So back to what we have been saying since we started showing these videos. This is a real race! Guys go beyond balls out to get a win at Goodwood and there are loads of seasoned, talented, and professional level drivers that get hired in to drive stuff for rich guys who want to see their toys perform at the peak of performance.

So check this video out and let us know if you agree that the first spin shown is actually the most gnarly of them all.

Press play below to see the top five saves from the 2018 Goodwood Revival –

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