Viva Las Vegas 2017 The Finale! A Final Blast Of Images From The Event – From Race Cars To Step Vans

Viva Las Vegas 2017 The Finale! A Final Blast Of Images From The Event – From Race Cars To Step Vans

(Photos by Wes Allison) – We’re not sure we have ever had a gallery of photos from an event that featured race cars and step vans in the same collection but this one does. That illustrates the wide open nature of Viva Las Vegas and  whether its’s street rods to rat rods or race cars to step vans the show is about fun. We told you that we’d have a solid week of photos from the event and we were not kidding. They weren’t bunch of repeats and duplicates. Nope, this thing is massive and frankly we could have had a month’s worth of stuff if we we shot every single car rather than the BangShifty stuff that caught our attention.

Be there next year if this looks like fun. Frankly if you are a human being with a love of cars and this does not look like fun you need to seek a doctor’s attention. No, not every car is to everyone’s liking and that’s the truth about any event of show you’ll ever attend but if there was NOTHING you liked out of any of these photos we’re not sure what else we can do for you. Cars are fun!

Click the images below to expand them and then scroll to see them all –

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3 thoughts on “Viva Las Vegas 2017 The Finale! A Final Blast Of Images From The Event – From Race Cars To Step Vans

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