Watch a Latvian Rally Photographer Totally Luck Out of Being Killed When a Car Nearly Rolls Onto Him

Watch a Latvian Rally Photographer Totally Luck Out of Being Killed When a Car Nearly Rolls Onto Him

Another week, another well positioned European rally photog nearly being killed at a race. This time we take you to Latvia. Know where Latvia is? Hell no, we don’t either. If asked we would vaguely point to eastern Europe  and say, “right here!” with total confidence. Despite sounding like a place where a fictional sitcom character would come from, they race stuff there, so it cannot be all bad. This video shows a single corner at a rally and more importantly it shows a car totally over cook a corner, roll over, and nearly squash a photographer hunkered down in a drainage ditch shooting the action. Outside of nearly being killed, the dude probably got some bitchin’ snaps.

A couple of weeks ago we showed you a photog getting saved from certain death by a large tree he was standing behind. This guy was saved because the car took a lucky bounce and scrubbed off a ton of speed quickly. Instead of going into a series of barrel rolls, the car digs in and only turns onto the roof. With the amount of speed it carries into the corner, the car should have been on top of the photographer before he had the chance to move, but it didn’t. The fact that the tail went into the ditch and slowed greatly prevented this guy from dying.

If Latvia has a lottery this guy should have played it the night after the race.

(All of the action in this video happens in the first 30-seconds or so…the rest is some dudes trying to push the car out of the ditch…BOOORING)


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2 thoughts on “Watch a Latvian Rally Photographer Totally Luck Out of Being Killed When a Car Nearly Rolls Onto Him

  1. sbg

    I’m not sure that title says what you think it says…. I think it’s missing, at minimum, a comma… without a comma the photog totally lucked out by being killed. While many would say that about me and my lack of shutter-prowess; I don’t think our Latvian friend would share the same opinion.

    That said, are you sure this is a rally? That video looks remarkably like every other Russian traffic video.

  2. sbg

    Why would you play the lottery after that wreck? you couldn’t get sex from $50 hooker and a $100 bill after that accident.

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