Looking For A Cool Old Rig? This 1971 Diamond REO With Twin Stacks And A 318hp Detroit May Be Your Jam

Looking For A Cool Old Rig? This 1971 Diamond REO With Twin Stacks And A 318hp Detroit May Be Your Jam

We know that many of you out there dig old school big rigs and we do too. In fact this summer we’re taking the kids to a killer museum full of them, but that is neither here nor there. Today the focus is on the 1971 Diamond REO truck you see staring back at you from your computer screen. Powered by a 318hp Detroit Diesel engine and wearing twin stacks proudly we think it has to sound awesome. It actually looks pretty good as well. Used, for sure but also pretty neat considering it is 46 years old!

The interior of the truck is cool because it is all spartan and pretty sparse. It does have wood paneling and a sleeper area though so the ladies could probably dig on this one pretty easy, right? Just sell it to her as a camper and you’d be in like Flynn. Blown apart and completely restored with this same paint job, the truck would be absolutely incredible.

On the practical side, the rubber looks good on the truck and that’s important because tires are expensive and presumably whoever buys the truck will be driving it home unless they go full boss level and pull up with a low deck trailer behind a massive tri-axle dump truck or something to tote the thing home with.

We dig the row of gauges mounted across the top of the driver’s area. The normal dash area is so spartan and small there’s nowhere to really put them in that spot but the area up top is perfect.

This is a net truck for several reasons. You don’t see a lot of Diamond Reo’s floating around, you don’t see a lot of early 1970s cab overs floating around, and the Detroit connection is really the capper on the whole package.


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5 thoughts on “Looking For A Cool Old Rig? This 1971 Diamond REO With Twin Stacks And A 318hp Detroit May Be Your Jam

  1. Donny Chops

    A full custom leather interior and hide the wires. Cummins 600 and modern transmission, air ride, 3.50 gear ratio out back 150 gallon aluminum fuel tanks and stretch it out to 300 inch wheel base and you might have a good old truck.

  2. cyclone03

    Because I know nothing about 2stroke diesels,what kills them? At 225k is it just broken in or is it hanging on a thread?
    Im sure the only electrical is the lights and starter.

    I would add Alcoa’s,rewire,diamond tuck leather and not touch the paint.

    My son in law has a CDL so he can drive it home for me.

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