In all forms of racing, when prize money is offered the stakes get raised. This may be even doubly true in the cutthroat world of downhill Barbie Jeep competition where the goal of the exercise is to put a full sized person at the controls of a child’s toy and push them down a hill full of jagged rocks and things that could potentially maim them for life. The drivers simply need to cross the finish line in the shortest amount of time while maintaining possession of at least one single part of the Barbie Jeep. As this video illustrates, that is a lot harder than it looks.
This video was made at the massive Rednecks With Paychecks event in Texas and as you can see from the title of the video, they were paying $5,000 to the winner. More than the tumbles, face plants, crashes, and wipe outs, consider what people will put themselves through in the pursuit of couple bucks. We also have to operate off of the premise that most of these people were half in the wrapper when they decided that this event could really be smoothen run.
Think the Barbie Jeep manufacturers have any wringer engineers in the stands seeing how their junk performs? Yeah, probably not. We’re also guessing that there isn’t any orthopedic surgeons hanging out and handing their business card to competitors either but that may actually be a solid business plan because after some of these landings, the pain will be a very real situation the next day.
Bottom line is that this looks like some hardcore fun and boy did it every draw a crowd. Someone left with the cash, but we’re not sure who. We’re also not sure that the dough was not used to bail people out after the weekend. This is hardcore!
You expected Einstein when you give money to people who aspire to Pabst Blue ribbon?