If you haven’t seen video of the Chainlink 4×4, then you have been missing out. This beast doesn’t sound extreme when you start with the 5.0 Ford, C4, and 9″ with an ARB Air Locker. But when you find out that 9″ Ford rear is mounted under the middle of this thing and then sends power via chains to some ultra long, hydraulically controlled swing arms, that are capped with Hummer gear reduction hubs. Each arms has literally FEET of travel, and they can be controlled independently. We’re not sure how hard it is to drive and control, but we know it can go most anywhere. There is no such thing as a tough sidehill with the Chainlink. Watch the video below and you’ll get it. This thing is impressive as hell.
engineering marvel, looks a little complicated though
The best and worst aspect of this thing is that it can go places that no one else can get to. If you get this thing stuck, you’ll need air support to get it out.
“air support”… absolutely.
That is really cool. The engineering is amazing. I would be worried about the hydraulics though, seems like the weak link.