This Is Clearly The Most Bat Crap Insane Jeep Ever Built (Video)

This Is Clearly The Most Bat Crap Insane Jeep Ever Built (Video)

There are nutso must trucks and then there’s this creation. Constructed from what looks to be three miles of steel tube and powered by a claimed 2,000hp supercharged big block Chevy engine, this short wheelbase hellion is shown planing over a mud pit, roasting all four tires at the hit of the throttle, and we also get to see it up close and personal to geta s sense of what it is like to be inside this beast. So what’s “Jeep” about it? Hey the front fenders look like factory stampings! In reality, after you get past the fenders virtually none of the truck is, but that doesn’t bug us at all.

These “mega-trucks” seem to the the Pro Mods of the mud world. They are cartoonish versions of regular trucks or just skinned to resemble a regular truck, pack incredible horsepower, and they put on an awesome show with huge jumps and other “tricks” in their proverbial “bag”. This is one of the shortest wheelbase mega-trucks we have ever seen which is another nod to the fact that it is a “Jeep”. We’re note sure that we’d be interested in trying to corner in it much above walking speed because with the narrow cane style tractor tires holding it up and those huge coil over shocks, you’d be laying on your side before you knew what hit you.

Obviously where this truck really shines is in the mud or more specifically skittering over top of it with huge amounts of horsepower and truly amazing wheel speed. We’re not kidding, when you watch this truck attack the pit you see what we mean. It literally makes enough wheel speed to get on plane above the mud and just power across. It seems like these guys would have to do something to keep the tires on the rims because the tractor tires they are using aren’t really supposed to be spinning at well over 100mph….right? Can’t say we have ever seen one of those tires fail but we also can’t say we have seen them spun this hard!

The motor is a Chevy clearly on alcohol that the owner claims 2,000hp out of. There’s no reason to deny that number after you watch the video. The axles are true monsters out of a 5-ton truck and those have been modified as well, apparently. Now that so many guys have sucked up the deuce and a half top loader axles, the five ton jobs are becoming a more readily available option. Not a cheap option but a more available option.

We want to go for a ride….scratch that, we want to drive! PRESS PLAY BELOW TO SEE THE VIDEO!


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