So it has been a hot minute since we last found some truly hilarious stuff on Craigslist but thanks to a tip from reader Barry Joseph we have what may be our favorite ad of the year. This is an ad for a truly ragged out, used up, ass dragging, sad looking 2001 Chevy Silverado. That being said it is not just any Silverado. No, this is the vaunted 2001 Silverado “King Of The Meth Lab Edition”. That’s all you need to know. You’ll find out the rest below –
Because if the ad gets pulled, we’ll lose all the genius, heres the full text with the link below it –
How many of you have woke up and said “today, i have decided that i want to look like a meth addict scrapper with no insurance”? I know i know, there are alot of you out there, but there is only 1 Reggie White for sale.
What the hell is Reggie White? Well, Reginald the caucasian sensation is this amazing chick magnet of a silverado thats here in these pictures.
So, on to the details about this one of a kind truck. It runs, drives, and has heat. What more do you want out of an $800 truck? The tires- yes it has 4 matching ones. They are round, black, and full of air. That sounds like an ex girlfriend of mine, but thats a story for another day.
This truck had low miles in 2002. But its 2017 now and the truck has 308k on it. Yes, 308,000 miles full of scrap yard runs, broken 4l60e’s, piles of hub bearings, and then there was that one time this truck got in an accident with 2 cars and a semi truck. That was after i sold it the first time. Yes, ive owned it twice, its like an ugly ex thats only redeeming factor is that shes always there when you need a late night BJ, so you keep taking her back.
Ive kept this truck around so long because its absolutely reliable as fuck. It starts every day, every time and ive been to every state within 1000 miles of illinois.
It has a 5.3 gm factory tested racing engine in it . When its cold in the winter it piston slaps so bad it sounds like shit is gonna fall out. Let it warm up a minute and its as silent as, well, it fucking stops piston slapping.
The trans is a 4l60 and yes its the 3rd one thats been in the truck. 4l60es are great transmissions…said nobody ever. I put the trans in at 275k. Shifts as it should and the fluid stays clean.
As you can tell by the pictures the truck has been used very gently and never been towed with. The body is arrow straight and the paint is absolutely immaculate.
Truck has a broken shackle for the rear leafs, needs shocks, a hub, and well, its pretty fucking tired. I would still drive it to california tomorrow. If you are itching to waste some money on a total piece of crap, the price is $850 obo. Call, text, use fucking morse code. Come drive it for yourself, i promise youll be disappointed. show contact info .
Funny shit, as expected from the author of the ad, Alan Robinson. He’s the guy that ran Drag Week with his big B-Body Chevy wagon with 26″ rims.
What a funny mo-fo. I\’ll bet that V.P. at CarMax will offer him full asking price.
Mmmm, mmm…. meth!
Damn not a single straight panel on that truck! Give me the engine and trans and scrap the rest.
I’m guessing the truck on the trailer is his new ride.
It looks like his truck is towing itself.
I could see getting to the scrap yard with this thing towing the other white Silverado, and forgetting which one you were there to scrap.
You can throw a bicycle on and ride it home after scrapping the whole mess. With today’s scrap prices, you would get about 3 fiddy for all of it. Don’t forget your bike.
Hey i have a 2000 chevy silverado 4×4 with 137k miles on it and i do the same work you do i haul scrap also great work truck
I have a 2000 chevy silverado 4×4 i haul scrap.also i swear by it it has 4.3l good motor great work horse. It has 134k miles on it
In the UK a meth head used to be a bum who used to drink a nauseating cocktail of metholated spirits and milk. That would render him incapable of driving but this truck would make him a fine home. When I worked for my local council’s parks department I did some work at the local crematorium and had my lunch with the guys who burnt the bodies. They told me that when they cremated a meths drinker he had so many fumes left in his body it exploded blowing the doors clean off the oven and nearly killing them!
Why you wasting people\’s time this is stupid you fucking moron
Jim, you really need to let the adults talk among themselves, son.
Sure enough, the ad’s been pulled.
Why is it that just about every scrap metal guy has a vehicle that looks like it’s about the fall apart at any second? And before anyone says it’s because they can’t afford anything better, BS, I used to know a scrappie who took pride in himself and his vehicle. His truck was old and well worn but it didn’t look like it was supposed to be scrapped it self, he repainted it every year and even washed it every so often.
Scrap hauling guys boggle my
Mind. They work so hard and make less Money than if they had a regular job.
Alan is my baby daddy.