This Flying Dune Buggy Thing Looks Like A Great Way To Thin The Herd Of Rich Adventure Seekers

This Flying Dune Buggy Thing Looks Like A Great Way To Thin The Herd Of Rich Adventure Seekers

There are a couple of divergent elements in this video. The first is the relationship between the dune buggy looking “SkyRunner” while it is on the ground versus while it is on the air. Then there’s the guy from the SkyRunner company who at one moment sounds like a normal person and then the next moment he sounds like some sort of robo-sales DB just spouting off his sales pitch to the CNN Money camera. When we heard that the company originally designed these things to be purchased by “rich adventure seekers” we thought, “Hey, there are too many of those guys anyway. Perfect.”

Yes, we’re bagging on the thing a little and most of that is simply out of the knowledge that we’ll never ever fly one of these machines to a height of 10,000ft. We’ll never fly one to the height of 10ft although we wouldn’t mind bombing around a sand pit in a SkyRunner, the tires seem to be a high performance on-road style piece that would probably be about as effective as slicks in the sand. Claimed performance is 0-60 in four seconds, which is 100% GETTING IT.  The engine is not discussed but we’re guessing a four banger from a motorcycle or a lightweight piece from a modern car to be providing the power.

What do you think? Would you honestly hop into this this machine and fly it up to 10,000ft with a big parachute over it? IT is all well and good to be gliding around the wild blue yonder but we don’t think we’d be super into the idea that a failed parachute tether line could mean the difference between life and death. Oh, there’s also the fact that it is a ONE SEATER. We totally understand why that is the case, but it is kind of like when you are a kid and your friend gets a cool toy and never shares it. No fun to watch someone else doing it, right?

There’s not price yet, but it will probably be bordering on the astronomical. We’ll pass!


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3 thoughts on “This Flying Dune Buggy Thing Looks Like A Great Way To Thin The Herd Of Rich Adventure Seekers

  1. elkyguy

    ok,on a conventional parasail,the pilot can steer by pulling on the lines—how the heck does this thing steer once you’re airborn? for that matter,how do you determine your altitude? throttle only?

  2. Steve Bolin

    Pipeline guys won’t use that for work. What good would it do to fly without bringing your tools. Don’t get me wrong, looks fun but definitely not suitable for work. Unless you work for the cartel. Which is what I imagine it was built for.

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