Every spring the guys at Antrim Diesel in Pennsylvania host a dyno day where their customers and other diesel soaked enthusiasts show up and run their stuff on the dyno. The major difference? This is a dyno day/competition featuring some of the gnarliest, most worked up big rigs known to man. In this video you will see a Peterbilt 379 that was built/tuned by PDI Diesel laying down 1,665 hp on the monster dyno at Antrim Diesel. While we do not know the specifics on this truck, consider what the driveline losses must be to turn the huge axles and transmissions that these trucks have. Normally us car guys talk about a 20% loss from front to back on a dyno, right? What is it on a big rig? More? The same? Maybe you guys know better than us. If we go with the standards 20% loss, this is a 2,000hp street going rig that could tow not only a trailer of stuff but the entire warehouse that stuff came from of the rest of the rock quarry the material was pulled out of.
Oh…and the soot. When the driver gets the engine loaded and the turbos spooling and the fuel starts coming in on this truck there is a column of blackness that is really impressive coming through the roof vent of the dyno building.
The noise and unbridled fury that the truck produces during the pull will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.