Here’s What It Looks Like When Three Humvees Plummet To The Ground During A Failed Air Drop Drill

Here’s What It Looks Like When Three Humvees Plummet To The Ground During A Failed Air Drop Drill

There are bad days at work and then there’s this. During a training exercise in Germany, three Humvees plummeted hundreds of feet to their demise after the rigging securing them to their parachutes failed when said ‘chutes deployed. The video shows a ton of stuff being air dropped from a passing plane and the majority of the items floating gently down but the three Humvees? Yeah they land like bombs!

The Army is now investigating the incident as the video has become an internet sensation. We’re not sure who is going to get their bottom chewed for this but we’re thinking that there’s going to be some guys wishing that they did not get out of bed that morning. No one was hurt in the incident and while there is a material cost in the loss of the trucks, we’re glad that there was no human cost.

The US Army generally kicks ass and we’re not mocking them here but this was too much of a crazy scene not to share with you!

Press play below to see what happens when drop rigging failed on three Humvees

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6 thoughts on “Here’s What It Looks Like When Three Humvees Plummet To The Ground During A Failed Air Drop Drill

  1. john

    S N A F U…Hey guy with the camera…practice this…”Do you want fries with your order?”

  2. Chevy Hatin' Mad Geordie

    What we don’t see or hear is the three IS prisoners that were chained into them and their mangled screams of terror…

  3. thirrteen

    The fact of the matter is that these things happen often enough. But to have three happen in one drop, isn’t an accident. The rigger who QA/QC’d that will start looking for a civilian job and quick. Just as at fault is the jump masters. Both the PJ, the AJ and especially the AF load master should all receive a RFC NCOER.

  4. cyclone03

    This is more than one loadmaster or crew,that was 3 different aircraft and crews. I dont know if the pallets are built up by the Army or AF but those mistakes happened on the ground.

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