Killer Old Video: This 1954 US Army Film Does A Pretty Amazing Job Explaining How A Fluid Coupling Works

Killer Old Video: This 1954 US Army Film Does A Pretty Amazing Job Explaining How A Fluid Coupling Works

Over the years we have showed you some cool old US Army videos that explain mechanical principles in basic and informative ways. Sure, the stuff isn’t over the top with the tech involved but they do use cool examples and basic means to really drive the points they are trying to make home. These videos were used to train mechanics and other people who would be dealing with vehicles in their military jobs.

In this case, the topic is an explanation of how a fluid coupling works. The film uses all kinds of models and examples to show the coupling working and it uses basic language to lay it all out.

If you are not 100% up on your torque converter/fluid coupling knowledge, this is a great film to learn stuff from. Yes, we have come a lone way in the 60 years since this film was made but the basic principles are all still the same. The flow of the fluid, the issues of heat buildup and mitigation, etc are all things that engineers still work on to make better today.

Rather than ramble on further, we’re just going to tell you to watch the video!




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