Neat Video Bonanza: How Dudes in Bolivia Float Trucks Across the River with Two Canoes

Neat Video Bonanza: How Dudes in Bolivia Float Trucks Across the River with Two Canoes

BangShifty solutions to problems are born different ways. Creativity can be used to work around a limited budget, lack of proper tools, and in this case, lack of a bridge to cross a large river in southern Bolivia. Locals figured out how to operate a ferry without even having an actual ferry boat.

Instead of building a large raft and pulling it with rope and a mule team or something, these guys lashed two canoes together and have been working that setup ever since. In the truly neat videos below you’ll see them loading various size trucks onto their makeshift craft. None of them head for Davy Jones’ locker, so this is one of those deals that looks absolutely horrifying, but works like a champ. The loading and unloading process certainly seems to require a deft touch!


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2 thoughts on “Neat Video Bonanza: How Dudes in Bolivia Float Trucks Across the River with Two Canoes

  1. sbg

    I appreciate the guy bailing, oh yeah, and the guy in the cab of the truck with his foot on the brake….

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