Outlaw Truck and Tractor Pulling Association Thunder in the Dirt – Big Tractors, Awesome Trucks, Thousands Of Horsepower!

Outlaw Truck and Tractor Pulling Association Thunder in the Dirt – Big Tractors, Awesome Trucks, Thousands Of Horsepower!

(Words and photos by Scott Liggett) – Even though our intrepid reporter, Scott Liggett, grew up in the heart of truck and tractor pull land, the uncultured cretin had never been to one. This past Saturday Scott headed up to Ravenna, NE to check out his first pull.

The Outlaw Truck and Tractor Pulling Association’s Thunder in the Dirt event had a strong turnout with more than 140 vehicles entered for the event over Friday and Saturday. Scott was hosted by the local chapter’s treasurer, Ken Hervert, who showed him what’s what and where not to step. Ken was gracious enough to introduce Scott to many of the competitors before parking his butt right in the middle of the action for some picture taking. We would like to thank Ken for his help and not letting Scott get run over by one of tractors.
The weather held out until just after the last vehicle made their pull, then Ravenna got hit with strong winds, hail and rain just as everyone was leaving. Scott had to hide under the cover at a gas station in an attempt to keep his ’65 Impala from getting pummeled.
Click on the link below to see all the pictures took at the Outlaw Truck And Tractor Pulling Association’s Thunder in the Dirt Event in Ravenna, NE
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Outlaw Truck and Tractor Pulling Association Thunder in the Dirt074

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