We’ve shown you enough videos from Hoonigan’s burnyard at Irwindale Speedway that you probably know what’s there. Old RVs painted black, tons of shipping containers, a couple of flatbed semi trailers and other items that are meant to entice lead-footed types to drive like the cops aren’t looking litter the grounds. It’s the kind of setup where you hope to see Fox Mustangs, Nissan drift cars, and random Craigslist specials turning tires into vapor. It’s where you want to see desert trucks and little high-strung sports cars show their stuff.
We would have said that it is the last place on Earth to let a monster truck play, but after this video, there’s nothing to say for that, because Ryan Anderson and his “Son-uva Digger” monster just went full-on overkill. Precious few can say that they’ve signed their name to the burnyard like he did. And to understand the reason why that’s so dramatic, you have to understand the scale of the vehicle you are looking at. I barely stand taller than those tires. The vehicle as a whole is the size of a large SUV…like Suburban or Excursion big. The power that is required to do what Anderson can make this thing do is big-time, no-joke grunt. Flight, slides, donuts that would embarass Ken Block in anything all-wheel-drive, and some of the physical tricks that Anderson can do that genuinely defy belief all require industrial scale power.
You know how Aussie burnout competitors start with a tip-in? This dude starts with a jump off of a Jersey barrier and goes for broke from there.