“Uh-Oh” Video: Randal Key Launches His Rockcrawler, Camera Operator Requires New Pants

“Uh-Oh” Video: Randal Key Launches His Rockcrawler, Camera Operator Requires New Pants

“Location, location, location.” If you are recording anything to do with a vehicle, knowing where to stand makes the difference between you being a hero and a grease spot that once was a human being. It’s simple, really. Unfortunately, the camera operator who was filming Randal Key at the Hog Wild Shootout, hosted at the Superlift ORV park in Hot Springs, Arkansas, didn’t get that particular memo, because he got the shot of a lifetime (read: nearly bought the farm) when the “rock bouncer” leapt high enough to take out the event banner and aimed towards him like a starving tiger and landed within feet of where he was standing. The noise of the crawler coming down on it’s front axle should tell you all you need to know about the impact.

Click play below to see what “too close” looks like!

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