By now, the race teams are likely halfway across the country heading for home. See, the neat thing about Red Bull Frozen Rush is that while the competition happens in Maine, none of the teams are based anywhere close. Short course off road racing is kind of a foreign entity here in New England and that is why more than 10,000 people wedge themselves on the side of a frozen mountain in Maine to watch it happen in our own environment, the snow.
Friends of mine from virtually every New England state attended. I was cut off by a guy from Connecticut while trying to leave. We gave the traditional New England greeting which was to flip each other off and we both went about our merry way.
We’re continuing our wall to wall coverage of the event with these photos and you’ll dig ’em. Trucks in the air, trucks battling for position, and trucks hauling ass in the snow. We’ve got some great candids of race winner Bryce Menzies in this collection of images and other stuff as well. Fans were allowed to tromp out on the course after the race ended and they came out in droves to hang out during the podium celebration. It was a fantastic day!