The Most Entertaining Video Ever About Cleaning Out An Intake Manifold – Fire Makes It Good

The Most Entertaining Video Ever About Cleaning Out An Intake Manifold – Fire Makes It Good

If you have a metal intake manifold that is all full of carbon and other junk, there are a bunch of different ways that you can clean it out. Multiple chemicals are on the market designed to break the carbon down and have your engine burn it off, you can manually get in there with a Dremel or other tool, screwdrivers, or like this guy you can use a little hand held torch to ignite the stuff and then use a pressurized air line to turn the whole thing into a miniature blast furnace. We’ve got to admit to kind of loving the look of the fire spewing out of the ports and stuff. Yes, this could be the most dangerous way to clean the inside of the intake but it is clearly the most fun looking.

The piece in question here is from a TDI VW diesel engine and it is carboned up really bad. The video does not mention how many miles the engine had on it or if there had been any modifications like the foregoing of an EGR or something but either way, this is a pretty nasty looking mess. The second upside of the fire deal is that it does not seem to leave a big mess or anything to clean up after the fact. As you look into the intake “post roast” you will see that everything has burned off and you are left with a blackened but ultimately much better looking intake manifold.

This would not work so hot with plastic intakes and if you ever try this you have to be super duper careful not to set your shop in fire, roast a limb, or other wise get into trouble with an intake that is literally spitting hot fire everywhere.

What do you think? Does this look like fun?!

Press play below to see this proven method of decarbonizing an intake manifold – Fire!

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