The Rigs Of Del Mar – More Shined Up, Muscled Up, Or Ratted Up Trucks From Goodguys Del Mar

The Rigs Of Del Mar – More Shined Up, Muscled Up, Or Ratted Up Trucks From Goodguys Del Mar

I was recently sampling some beers with a fellow gearhead and he proclaimed that “trucks are boring”. I restrained myself from hitting him over the head with a bottle, dragging him into the street, and teaching him differently and instead went into debate attack mode and started in on a diatribe on how, in many cases they can be even MORE interesting than cars. Trucks were offered (especially back in the good old days) with a myriad of axle ratios, transmissions, and engine options galore. Trucks have major hot rodding potential as we have all known for years and now that virtually every suspension company worth their salt is making parts for trucks you can make them look, turn, and stop better than they ever have before.

The people out at the Goodguys Del Mar show certainly had the truck program down. There’s a little bit of everything in here and a pair of exceptionally cool panel trucks that you will see as well. Those are personal favorites of mine and I think you will dig them too. Oh, and how about the bus above! That dude must have a killer shop to park that long sucker inside of!

goodguys del mar trucks 026

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One thought on “The Rigs Of Del Mar – More Shined Up, Muscled Up, Or Ratted Up Trucks From Goodguys Del Mar

  1. Chris Raab

    So many cool trucks! That ’50 White is sweet! I had a ’49 Mack LJ…I think the cabs are the same…cool stuff! I traded the ’49 LJ for a ’72 Pete Little Window…Trucks are most definitely cool!

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