Video: How To Scare The Hell Out Of Your Girlfriend At A Diesel Dyno Day With A Well Placed Waste Gate

Video: How To Scare The Hell Out Of Your Girlfriend At A Diesel Dyno Day With A Well Placed Waste Gate

Here’s a little dyno related humor to kick off your Thursday morning. While Chad and I are both on the way to LS Fest in Bowling Green, Kentucky there are cool motorsports and gearhead events going on all over the country this weekend. Chances are that there will be dyno days like the one featured in this video happening in droves as part of the event scene in your area. This footage comes from one that appears to have happened at a diesel shop. The truck on the dyno is a worked over Duramax powered GM piece and as the title of the video indicates it makes some pretty big oats with 1,000hp on tap. Trucks like this one often use compound turbochargers to move incredible amounts of air and make huge boost numbers. You have to imagine that when the waste gates open up, some serious volumes of air are going to be escaping in whatever direction it is pointed.

On this truck, the waste gate is aimed out the passenger side fender well and the girl watching this pull is blissfully unaware of that…until it opens. You’ll see the truck start to make a pull, shift into whatever gear they’ve decided to pull it in and then really go to work accelerating the rollers. At the point where the truck is making its biggest power, max boost is achieved and then BOOM the waste gate opens up and unleashes a torrent of smoke, soot, and compressed air at the chick who was dutifully watching the pull from just outside the highly protective streamer designed to keep spectators out of the way. To say that she didn’t see this coming is an understatement of large proportions. In fact, she barely has time to react at all!

On the critical side, do us a favor and never stand where this woman is standing during a dyno pull. Had we been in a similar position when Buford chucked the driveshaft at 125mph wheel speed, we’d have been ankled or worse. Also, it has been our experience that when stuff explodes it travels in a sideways direction. If this thing had blown up a turbo, thrown a rod, or sprayed boiling hot oil out of it, we wouldn’t be chuckling about this woman’s bad luck…we’d be talking about someone who had been seriously injured.


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1 thoughts on “Video: How To Scare The Hell Out Of Your Girlfriend At A Diesel Dyno Day With A Well Placed Waste Gate

  1. sbg

    interesting video, what’s more interesting is the rabbit hole I got sucked down with the “other videos” suggestion at the end… Diesel Brilliance…

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