By now you may have heard that the area right around Boston is about to get smashed in the face with like 3ft of snow in the next 24 hours. It just so happens that I live directly in the epicenter of that area so it is going to be an entertaining few days here with 80mph winds, huge snowfall, and who knows whatever else. In honor of this storm, I dug up a classic video that we first ran a couple years ago. It features a Boston plow driver absolutely burying people after a blizzard and loving every second.
After we got dumped on by the blizzard that was somehow named Nemo a few weeks back, the plow trucks were working for days to open roads and keep them clear for fire trucks, police, and other vehicles. Digging out was big work for everyone and virtually every person in the eastern half of Massachusetts (where this is being written!) groaned when they saw the plows coming to push the show banks back and sock their end of their driveway in even deeper than it was. We’ve often wondered what the plow guys are thinking during those times when they know that their work is adding to the misery of everyone else. Well, this video answers the question of how at least one guy was feeling. He was loving it and frankly, we think this video is hilarious. Some people got their tights all up in a wad and got this driver fired, but we have nearly died of laughter every time we’ve watched this piece of video. His accent is comically thick, his use of the F-word is artistic, and his joy doesn’t seem to be rooted in they misery of others but rather as a function of just following orders and seeing their outcome.
The driver drops some great lines in this one, from the old, “Now ya see it….now ya don’t” as he buries a car and then late in the video (which isn’t long) he references Tony Montana from Scarface and kicks the comedy into high gear as his big Mack just lumbers through the snow. It kind of stinks that the guy got fired. The dude was just doing his job….right?
I knew they enjoyed it!
Yeah, this video is wicked old, and that douche bag lost his job for being a douche bag. Douche bag.
Don’t come to New England, douchebag…..we are ALL like that driver
Damn right we enjoy it especially when you ask us to clean in front a little bit and you don’t want to give some money I come back around and a stuff double in front of your driveway “LIKE A BOSS”
get a life people there is nowhere to put this snow if you are really concerned about getting your car out then you should pay to have it parked in a garage till after the storm is finished that is the cost of living in the city
This guy is awesome. We should track down the people that got him fired and complain to their bosses.
Agreed….he was great
Had a uncle back in the 60’s who drove a rotary plow. Blew snow through the front windows of half a dozen homes.
he got fired for enjoying his job? sheesh.
This sarcastic piece of inconvenience got fired because he is a malicious and vindictive POS. Taking pleasure in doing what he did indicates a serious emotional and psychological issue that needs to be addressed. If he worked for me, he would not be working for me. He might consider anger management outreach programs.
You’re joking right? This dude is obviously just vocalizing the same thing everyone one of us think when we see people parked in the street after storms. There’s nothing vindictive OR malicious about this. It’s literally his job to plow the streets and make them free of snow. Just because these people chose to park on the street doesn’t make them special or immune to being jerk offs. I don’t see a single thing he said as a psychological, emotional, or even work ethic issue here. I think you’re probably one of the people who have had their car covered in snow by a plow because you thought you were exempt from the parking ban by your respective area. Get over yourself, friend. He was obviously just trying to be funny by playing off how everyone feels.
And then I’m going to add this post just so you don’t think you’re super high and mighty. Yes, I realize I wrote, “Everyone one.” It was an accident. Deal with it.
Jeremy you are a fucking asshole… these people, most people don’t CHOSE to leave the cars there… where are they going to put their cars ass hat? There is NOWHERE to put them but on your driveway and if you don’t have a driveway right on the street. The street is the ONLY option 9 times out of 10. There is not a magical covered garage that pops up for people to park their cars in whenever there is a blizzard.. you are an asshole just like this guy.
Then don’t bitch about your car being buried like he says in the video douche nozzle…
Jason, i think you might be the asshole, if there is no where to park then who’s fault is that, this guy was just doing his job and just trying to amuse himself while doing so, if you don’t have a place to park then go find one when there are storm days, if you cant then suck it the fuck up, deal with it. Even if you have to pay for it, this guy could of called the tow company, had all the vehicles compounded, then they would complain about that, Get a grip people, it snows every year around the same time, I think this guy is funny as hell and would to have him working for me.
And I meant impounded, not compounded…
Do you want him to magically make the piles disappear?
Shovel your car out or shovel the street to where you’re going. Take your pick.
You seem a little angry, lmao…maybe had that happen to you before? Just an FYI when places that get snow like that they have a thing called a parking ban and it’s your responsibility to make sure your car is off the road so the plow guys can do there job and clear the roads. There are plenty of people that don’t have off street parking and they manage here in NH. Here if your car is on the road you don’t have to worry about getting your car snowed in because we tow them and it’s $300 to get your car out. With that being said I do think the guy sounds like an ass but I know a couple of plow truck drivers and they get pissed when cars are in the street and haven’t been towed yet. It makes there job much tougher than it needs to be. He is also an idiot for posting to social media, he deserves to get fired just for being stupid!!
1st world problems…
You my “friend” are the asshole….I lived there for 20 years and now 30 in Virginia. I know drivers that would kiss cars with their plows to remind them not to park in the street. They were lucky just to get some snow.
so… why did this guy get fired? I found nothing in this video that suggests maliciousness. So he cusses more than I like to hear… big deal! Most people today do! I don’t think he should have lost his job.
agreed….I was once on a MTA bus that tried to pull into Wonderland station [in the snow] but a VW bug was parked in the wrong place. The bus driver just drove right on top of the VW and squashed it all the way to the passenger side
I’ve never had my car plowed in. However i will say, i live in the city. The garages fill quickly, and there are limited places to park. People have no choice other than parking under those circumstances. You either don’t live in the city, or are as much of a tool bag as he is. I’ll go with the ladder. Those people have done nothing wrong. He says he’s doing it because people throw snow back in the street but clearly none of those cars have been shoveled, so they haven’t put any snow in the street. He is vindictive, and just an overall waste of space. Say what you will.
Also most places have parking bans on only one side of the street, like where i am. The people that are parked in the street that get plowed in are in legal spaces, on the side of the street that they are allowed to be on. People parked in spots that are banned dont get snowed in they get towed.
I don’t live in that city, but in the city I live in the ones operating the snow plows have enough common decency and compassion for another human being to avoid plowing snow where he doesn’t have to and let people have a way out. The driver here is nothing but a self-centered POS who doesn’t deserve to have a public works job. He has literally NO integrity, professional or otherwise. NO, I’m not one of the people whose car got covered. I’m basing my opinion on his asinine attitude, something he is obviously proud of since he’s taping it. Some people recognize uncivilized, apathetic behavior, Jeremy. Get over YOURSELF.
What that some free psychological advice, that you mimicked from some rehab doc who treated the children you raised, Dad of the year
Go get laid!!!
This guy is an ass hole. A mean, nasty, petty, disturbed ass hole.
try working in snow for a living Kim
He doesn’t have to work in the snow. He is an asshole. I’m sure there were many reasons they fired him. Probably one being taking the video while driving
I guess you were one of the folks who either parked on the road or shoved out on the the street…lol
You’re absolutely right. He should at least leave a note on the windshield, saying he’s sorry.
Walt, your a fucking whack-job!!!
What his thoughts are shouldn’t make a difference when he’s following orders. So by your logic if he was crying tears of sadness instead of joy he needs to lose his job cuz, “something’s psychologically wrong with him”! You’re either one of the people that got plowed in or worse, you’re a vindictive POS that thinks you’re better than everyone else. And my opinion is that you are the lowest of the low when it comes to people, you’re right there with the scummy diseased filled rats.
People like you should move to a warmer state his job is to clean your street not your dinky ass driveway you should be happy he gets that close to your car less snow for your fat ass to shovel out if I knew where you lived I would plow a mount of snow behind your car you’d hope it would be out before the blizzard of “2020” hits
Last comment got messed up what if firing him landed him and children on the streets!!!!!!!!! grow up people have a sence of humor and stop acting like snobby assholes and live a little no one knows how to anymore
Shut up will Ya he was just trying to be funny!!!!! What if that’s the only excitement he gets and what if him getting fired just put him and his kids out of work get it together people the world is bigger than “he is being a vindictive asshole bla bla bla” wow the 90’s were so much better u gunna sue him for Burrying ur car?????? Shut up already shit take a joke!!! get a sence of humor
Have you ever run a plow? It’s not easy! It’s the responsibility of the car owners to leave the car’s in there driveways, not on the street! The problem is we live in s pussified world world! The people that fired him have no balls. I say let everyone on that man’s route shovel the road in front of there homes. Maybe they’ll reconsider there petty, better than you, kiss my ass and love it attitude.
You are such a pussy
I guess you were one of the folks who either parked on the road or shoved out on the the street…lol
Reading some of these comments you sound like real bunch of bed weting fairys type!
I drive a plow truck!!where the fuck are you sapossed put the snow after you wankers clear out drive way? Huh
The streets are the objective’ peaple must comute fire/police must have a clear route of passage!
Throw a tarp over your car when you see us coming !
And if we want to have a fucking laugh we will !!! Free country now grow stop wetting the bed and roll with it!
I agree sure it sucks we have all had our cars and driveways reburied by a plow BUT these guys work LONNNNNNNNNG hours all through the night he has to entertain himself somehow——WHY fire him he was doing his job—just trying to have fun doing it. And Walt you are reading to much into it he wasn’t HITTING the cars he WAS doing his job
YUP!! I agree
People park in the street then complain when their cars get buried? My guess is Boston has a street schedule just like Minnesota and any other place that sees a lot of snow.
I live in Canada and from Nov 1st to March 15th we are no supose to park on the road overnight for this simple fact that the plows do our streets, I will be honest I would have the same reaction as him, if you are to stupid to park your car in the driveway because you have to shovel snow first, then deal with the plow. people are quick to bitch at this guy but the fact is all these cars on the road are actually slowing down his job to get other roads clear having to work around vehicles. I say bury every car on the road.
People park in the street because there is NO other place to park.. you are another asshole just like Jeremy.
Here in Nashua they make parking garages free for the duration of the storm to get the cars off the street
Dogg(the driver) should not have been fired for this
Normally I would keep to myself but your a moron. This guy was doing his job. Stupid assholes like you should take the fucking bus if your to fucking stupid to find a place to park your car. I’ve been a plow driver for 25 years. I’ve had to plow for 36+ hours straight many times. What slows the job down is all the assholes like you that want the roads clear but yet your dumbass is parked on the street and or out driving around making hazardous conditions everywhere. So until you have plowed a mile in mine or another real mans seat then shut your mouth and go dig out your minivan you whinny Bitch.
Just like the ones that say, “I just wanted to see how bad the roads were”
as thery’re stuck in a fucking snowbank! Assholes, stay the fuck home if you don’t have to be out!!!
Twenty year D.P.W. Worker
You must be type of asshole that buys a 20 ft boat and whines to the dealer that that his Prius won,t pull it, Faggot!!
1st world problems…
jasonb If you can’t afford to park off the street then sell your car and use public transportation bitch ass !
Isn’t this from a year or two ago? It was all over the news and the plow guy got fired…
This is from 2 years ago morons
Yums — in light of the frosty pounding that New England is getting right now, Bangshift reposted it on Facebook yesterday, so it’s getting some fresh traffic.
I must’ve watched this 10 times since last night. Guy is hilarious!
I don’t care how old this is, it is a laugh to watch. I am sorry but any fool who parks his/her car on the side of the road in a snow storm deserves to come back and find the car buried 😉
Asshole….not funny at all. If it were him or his girlfriend or wife trying to dig out he’d be dragging the driver out for a fight. Typical ignorant.
“Typical ignorant”… Would this statement make you Typically Ignorant??? Oxy Moron,,, drag him out for a fight?? You sound like a dumb ass!
Most of You are a morons! You live in a city that You know if You park your car on the street it might get buried. Not only that but, you also knew that when you moved into or purchased your home that you would have this issue. Grow up, grow brains and grow your money. That way you can buy a space that does not have this problem. Morons!!
In our town we call the police on the radio, they try to call the owner, if they don’t move it by tha second pass, the tow company makes money too.!!!!!
1st world problems…
So picture this scenario- Another plow comes by and hits the cars that are covered in snow because he couldn’t tell there was a car there in the first place. This idiot should be held accountable for any damage done to those cars. This is the part of the winter I dread-he inconsiderate individuals, supposedly “helping” us make our roads safer.
You’re totally right! When people like you park on the street after a parking ban or a solid snow storm expecting your cars to be perfectly fine; it’s those who are required to go clear the snow off the roads for EVERYONE else because the world needs to continue running it’s their fault for YOUR car getting wrecked. That makes complete sense. Maybe if you just were conscious of what was going on around you your things wouldn’t get ruined. People like you are the adult equivalent of a child who’s had their balloon popped by walking buy something sharp.
Hey asshole… people don’t chose to park on the street. THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE to park . Why don’t you come live in Boston so you actually know what the fuck you are talking about.
Hey Asshole. You knew moving into your place that you would have to find other parking! You were the moron that parks their car on the street and then complains about it when it snows, you fucking idiot! And tell me you didn’t know that snow happened there? That would make you an even bigger moron
BINGO!!!!!!!! You hit the nail on head!!! Thanks!
1st world problems…
in ten years of Syracuse winters i noticed something.Everybody there blamed the blizzards on God and just dealt with the results.Your boss may not like you being late,but at least you got to work.The weather doesnt care,so suck it up and grab a shovel,baby!
What’s the poor guy supposed to do. He has to plow the street whether the cars are parked there or not. This is part of living in New England – there is snow. And if you put your car where you KNOW the plows will cover it, your responsible for any damages.
“NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON’T” – that comment from the plow driver was hysterical!!
Where in Hell does the people think that this one dedicated snow plow operator is going to put the snow —– hang it all in the sky ? Imagine how someone would feel if an ambulance–police–or fire trucks could not get to “their home” in an emergency because the street did not get plowed open — then they would have really a big concern ! The driver was only having a little fun to help to maybe stay alert & awake while people are warm in their beds sleeping. Maybe a little harsh language— so be it—turn the volume off then. Sad thing is if the driver lost his job is not right !
I love you man. These idiots are just plain moronic
This guy is an idiot!
Here it is against the law to shovel your snow on to the road. You are supposed to put it on your lawn. So he has a point. He shouldn’t have been fired. If it is on your lawn it melts and waters your grass for spring, then you don’t need as much fertilizer, and it also enters the water table. This helps prevent drought later in the summer. It also filters through the ground making clean water. When it is on the road it melts and can cause flooding and goes straight to the lake/ocean.
Tamaya, obviously you have never been to Boston.
Is Boston the only city in North America that gets snow???? The way JasonB talks you can’t have an opinion unless you live in Boston. I have a real easy answer for JasonB…tell the miraculous city of Boston to let “you” clear the snow off when there is a storm, that way through example you can show the rest of the world how to do it properly.
BTW if you actually found the snow plow guy to be offensive then you are part of the problem, get over your dull life and start doing something/anything.
Stop being a baby, sell your car and buy a bike and pedel your faggy ass around, Bitch. Get a life!!
If I was his boss I would have fired him too. For using a non hands free device to video while driving. Idiot.
While driving at 7 miles per hour. Your a great boss! Kinda of boss that would be fired if held to the standards he expects of others. Ur an idiot!
His job is the reason for a parking ban
Doing his job and loving it
People should have not parked in the street
this guy should be hung from a tree by his tongue. He just took too much pleasure in making every ones life miserable. Hope he got home to find his own car buried! ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this guy deserves to be hung from a tree by his tongue! Hope he got home to find his own car buried.
This was Hilarious, loved it, you people in Mass are wrapped too tight, if you take him personal. Love you bro ps redox suck….
You mass people hate your factory jobs, and it burns you to see someone passing the day having a laugh during work. Stop being jealous, he is a truck driver, but then again what kind of work is up there!
Loses go Yanks.
Hey Joe from New York: Sounds like you have issues. Maybe your wrapped too tight.
Hahaha these comments are funny. Opinions are like assholes and everybodys got one. People are so dang sensitive these days
You must be the Head Asshole!!!! Get a life!
If you mute the sound………It is just a plow truck plowing snow? I do believe the only dereliction of duty here would be the lack of reporting all those cars to the tow truck people. I really did laugh at the tony Montana line. Get a plan for the next storm street parking, snow plow haters….better to have to shovel then to pay tow/storage fees
Most of these assholes have no clue, you might think, How do they get thru life, by mommy and daddy???!!!!!
I think what the guy did was funny but that guy is we-tod-did!! Say made up words like baggins
I remember this and did hear he got fired and did not understand why at all, great personality, entertaining himself. I wish someone aired the video with no voice and then said what did he do wrong. I never saw his violation of duty. It was too bad too. Sorry man, I hope you found a better paying job for the winter to spite the complainers
If I was the plow driver that got fired,next storm I would call everyone in for illegally parking. So You fuck me I would fuck u,or better yet just before the storm take a pry bar to the back of your windows. The driver was hilarious,is it his fault that you have no where to park, no.
Y’all chose to live in the city!!!! Deal with it!!!
U all a bunch of northeast jackoffs, glad I live I. The Midwest reading your stupid, worthless heartless wanna be jury offs
Daniel, Sounds like your the heartless one and a hater. And learn how to spell and type.
it’s fuck this fuck that with those people from up north !! this guys nothing but an ass hole !!!
What a freakin D Bag!! This dude needs several “ice balls” thrown at his POS face. And, bragging about the money he’s making plowing…news flash, it doesn’t snow all year..good luck paying them bills in the Spring, Summer & Fall. Such a pathetic, immature A$$hole! Wish this dude nothing but straight Karma!
If he was videotaping himself, while driving and while even worse plowing. then that is dangerous. If i was your supervisor, you would be losing some vacation time. Not so funny now eh?
Many of our thoughts might not pass public scrutiny and that’s why we shouldn’t record and brag about them. Lesson for all of us!
People would still complain that he was video taping while driving, because people love to bitch!
Yes, and still after 10, 20, 30 or however many hours he worked thru the storm, he still had to go home do his own driveway, dig out his own car, then rest and go back to work and do it all over again so you assholes can go out and see how bad the storm is!!!!! So shut the fuck up and buy another shovel or snowblower and get it done so you can do your fucking job!!!!
This is from 2013- get some new material
…..And hopefully your mother is not dying in the emergency room like my sons friend in Feb. 4 years ago and tried for over a hour to dig out and did not made it in time to see his mother before she pasted away.
Wow, this video is over two years old. He also got fired over that crap. He is a flaming douche nozzle.
Yeah, DWN2DV8, we know the video is old and he got fired.
in canada you either move your car into the driveway or get a ticket. Having your car in the street on makes it harder for us Plow drivers to get around. Where else would you line us to put the snow? Leave it in the road? No ones happy either way. Guy was just doing his job.
only a fucktard would post a video incriminating himself………………
As an independent snow-plow operator and Uber driver, I was impressed with this gentleman’s swirling techniques (involves rhythmic pulsing against snow mass — quite popular in Helsinki) and attention to detail with regards to motor vehicular safety. Aside from the vernacular, this gentlemen should be commended for his work, and this video should be distributed to regional school houses for future snow clearance tactics, techniques, and procedures. Unfortunately, this present administration has done little to support or advance HR 1521. It is an outrage to the middle class and prevents small business initiatives — not to mention the impact on urban and suburban commerce and health care. Unacceptable.
Plowing the snow is his job- no fault of his own. He is working folks- not all Americans do by choice!
His laughing and cussing- is not an extreme psychological issue!- it’s his character. It’s no different than one of us laughing when someone slips on ice and falls, walks into a glass door, eats something very sour, or slips a bodily function, etc.
Choosing to post a video- is his character, which is poor choice for professionalism. Shor he have not posted it, I believe so, but that is opinion- not law.
Getting fired- that is the boss making a call to cover the integrity of company. It’s a smart business move. The guy represented the company poorly, but that doesn’t make him unemployable. He learned a lesson!
Must say— I love the Bostonian accent- gave an extra flare!
At the various regional school houses, they encourage self-expression, especially voicing techniques, whether they be self-talk or citizens band radio transmissions during long drives and off-hours. I’m telling you, this gentlemen was doing exactly what he should be doing (both in terms of driving and self expression) to influence his circadian rhythm and stay alert.
If only the government would stop de-funding the school houses. Did you know that at Stockholm International Airport, they have never had a flight cancellation due to poor weather?
This is a visual of the stories you hear from most municipal plow guys. It’s his job.
Where is he supposed to put the snow? You might have to shovel your car out to go somewheres but atleast your shitty fuckin sedans aren’t stuck in two feet of snow in the middle of the street because you’d rather growl about your car being covered instead of being appreciative ya’s got a fuckin plowed street to drive it on. I don’t understand how people can bite the hand that feeds them.
Love it when somebody brags about how much money he is making, then ends up on the unemployment line.
Karma, Biatch… Karma.
Hahaha, love it! The snow has to go somewhere, If people weren’t so fat, lazy and out of shape, shoveling snow wouldn’t be such a problem for them. Poor guy was probably going delirious after all the hours in the seat…
I would have stabbed him in the throat and laughed while watching him bleed to death…glad he got fired..hope he starves to death..scum POS
HEY ASSHOLES most places have a parking ban during the winter at night if you buy a house that has no parking it is up to you to find one here in OTTAWA ONT u get your car towed ASSHOLES thene you get ticked by cops for parking in the street at night thene u gotta pay to get it out of the inpound now whos laughing in the video all those houses had driveways what the fuck was those cars doing in the streets in the snowstorm good for the fuckers that got burried i wouldove done the same ROCK ON mister plow driver and again fuck the assholes that parks in the treets on a snow strom at night
You wouldn’t do Crap, you are a pussy.
Maybe he should have driven his magical snow eating truck that doesn’t leave any piles.
If you have to go somewhere during a snowstorm, Shovel your car out you lazy bastards.
Yes, he didn’t put the snow there, he was told to move it! Good job, just shouldn’t have been talking. Film was good.
I love it…… Hilarious. Some people don’t have a sense of humor.
That’s okay. I got a snow blower. They plow in my driveway, it goes right back out in the street. Every time.
I feel sad for this guy losing his job. Probably the most enjoyable thing for him, and it got taken away. Dude was just doing his job n turning lemons to lemonade. The real assholes are the people who took that from him.
Don’t forget, there was a parking ban in effect,
Too many tight ass people in this world. I laughed like a my ass off as I used to do the same thing here in Maine when people parked where they didn’t belong. He was just passing time in a boring job.
dip shit
This guy said it best, get mad at the asshole throwing their snow in the street. That’s why you get plowed back in. I park on the street and I expect to have to shovel myself out.
this guy is a total asshole glad he got fired and to make a video and post it with all the foul language as one dumb mistake . Plowing the streets are one thing but as a plow driver I know that when you push the snow back against the cars like that you end up caving in the sides of the car so with that said glad to see he no longer has a job and if any of the cars were damaged they should make he jerk pay for them just a dumb thing to do on his part hope he has someone return the favor and crush his car or even push it
in a river or over a banking
I agree freakin idiot
Where do you suggest he put the snow?
Fuckin’ liberal pussies. This was funny as hell lol..
Alright. I’m a liberal pussy but that was funny as hell! I drive a plow so I get it. You want the streets cleared. Just exactly where was he supposed to put the shit? I just did 12 hours of this today. Totally amazed at how many do not know how to drive out of snow. The guy needs a rally to get him his job back!!!
This guy should get a raise. Life is all about laughing at situations. He is just having fun at doing his job. Not his fault the assholes have parked their cars on the road when they had a fair warning of a potential snow storm. Life is too serious now. He was just having some fun doing his job. It is always, and will be, the few assholes that will complain and get the most attention. I say fuck you ! I loved this video. Laugh at life if you can. You will feel better.
This guy is doing the job I want my plow man to do. When you part in the street of shovel you drive you have to expect to be plowed in. If you had been plowing for 12hrs plus, just had some great weed, you might record this video too. He didn’t hit a car so what’s the problem?
YOUR FAULT PEOPLE!!!! And if the Fire truck, ambulance or cops needed to get on your street, would you be BITCHIN!!! SAFETY FIRST PEOPLE… Do YOUR job… get it OFF the road!!! THAT simple!~!!!!! GIVE this man his job back!!!
to all who agree with what he did yeah its all good n great till they do it to your car HE DESERVED TO BE FIRED!!!!!!! what if he had buried a person in all that snow would you think he was a good man then?
If u have never driven a big truck u can see if there is someone in the street.He was doing his job so u need to get a life. I would like to see everyone that is complaining to step up to the plate and try to do his job for a night or two, I think u would change r mine because it is not easy.It is not his fault the you are all pissed because of the snow and the shoving u have to do after each storm you are having to deal with.So this is to all the complainers grow up and get a life assholes
So all the people that had been the cause of him losing his job need to do something to help him get it back. Hope y can sleep good at night knowing that u were part of the lose of his job and u see r self
in the mirror in the morning
Having fun fuckface.Should be fired for using your communication device while driving.Loser go have another drink.