Hagerty Insurance is behind this great video that shows a greasy, grungy old Chevy 350 being torn down, machined, and rebuilt over the span of just four minutes. The whole thing was shot in time lapse and it is a really fun watch. The engine is an 010 block, two bolt main 350 and it is one of millions produced by the company. We’re in the middle of our own small block build and we’ll have an update for you on that sucker next week. Obviously ours has spanned slightly longer than the four minutes you will see here, but the results will be worth it.
The brilliance of this engine is that it launched so many companies, so many careers, and so many businesses over the years. When you see it taken down to its base elements, trued up, and reassembled you really get an appreciation for the simplicity of the design and how engineers really made as close to an idea package as they could given the parameters they worked in to develop this engine in the 1950s. Sure it has morphed and evolved over the last 60 years but the small block in its traditional form is still a very popular engine and they are available at dirt cheap prices and can be built to any level of performance you want.
Here the engine is basically rebuilt to stock form it looks like. Yes there are a couple bolt ons on the form of an Edelbrock intake and carb but other than that, not too much. The exhaust manifolds go back on and all. The pistons look like they’ll yield a little more compression than the stockers but the stock heads are put right back on after being reconditioned. This is a fun watch and one of those things that makes us wish life had a fast forward button for some stuff….like this!