There is something about overwhelming mechanical force that is just entertaining. Take this video for example. In it, we see a monstrous excavator bucket squash a medium sized pickup truck like it is an overripe grape. The best part is when the operator makes sure to finish the job and essentially uses the bucket like a rolling pin and flattens the whole works to a height of a flipping anthill. No, this is not an F-350 but if you think that one of those rigs would have done a better job standing up to what has to be hundreds of tons of pressure, we think your opinion is wrong.
After the initial squash and with the majority of the truck having been reduced to 2D form, the second attack blows the front tires out like they are a couple of mylar birthday balloons. It is tough to take a guess at the volume of the bucket because we do not get a sense of the width but we’re guessing 30-50 yards? Some of you construction, mining, or Earth moving experts out there may be better equipped to answer that one for us.
Is there anything to be learned here? Any sort of educational value? Probably not. Huge strong thing squashes little weaker thing is not exactly headline stuff but damn is it sure fun to watch!