
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: BangShift News, ChadMouth

Chadmouth: Substitutes. aka Tofurkey, Light Beer, LS Engines?

This Chadmouth is a short one, but I just got done watching Anthony Bordain’s No Reservations show on TV where, while eating a fried pork chop gracefully placed between two halves of a soft...

Chadmouth: It’s the skinny pedal on the right.

Corn, lots and lots of corn. Is Illinois the corn state? Which college football team is the Cornhuskers? Isn’t that Nebraska? Hmmmm…. All of this is going through my mind in a matter of...

Chadmouth Poll: Road Tripping Your Hot Rod Rules! How many states have you hit?

With rare exception, your hot rod started out as a mode of daily transportation. I know, I know, some of you think they are ONLY there to look at and this realization may be a bit of a shocker for...

ChadMouth: Bonneville. It’s folks like Gary Brauer, it’s horsepower, and lots of salt.

If you are reading this newest Chadmouth, you have no doubt seen all of our 2010 Bonneville Speedweek coverage, presented by Spectre Performance. And you are likely jealous that you couldn’t be...

Chadmouth: I Want to be the Guy with the Mullet

While walking through the Long Beach Swap Meet last weekend, I saw some guy in a tube-chassis Duster cruising the parking lot on his way to the car corral and it got me pondering the fact that you...

Chadmouth: My Journey from Then to Now

It’s been a long tough road, but Bangshift.com is here, and we are so excited. The name change has been quite an endeavor. Dealing with lawyers and trademarks and all the crap that goes along...

Chadmouth: Hot Rodding with the Glass Half Full

I’m a cup-half-full kind of guy. Some people aren’t, and that’s okay, but I prefer to go through life with a smile on my face and the wind in my hair. I prefer to hang out with...

Chadmouth: The People and Events that Shape Our Personal Car-centric World

Spending the past week surrounded by new and old Mustang Cobra Jets, reading recent blog items about 2010 Camaros getting built, and hearing news about new dragstrips opening has got me thinking...

Chadmouth: Grandpas Rule!

Not too long ago, Freiburger wrote a blog about Old Man stuff, and then Brian wrote about Men of Action. My grandpa fits the bill for both. His name is Earl, and in 1955 he  drove a truck for a...