Category Archive: BangShift XL, CAR FEATURES, Event Coverage, MISC, Unhinged, XL Event Coverage, XL Off Road Feature, XL Spotlight, XL Truck Feature

King of the Hammers 2025 Rig Tour: You’ve NEVER Seen Anything Like The Fun Rides That Show Up At King of the Hammers.

The 10 days that make up King of the Hammers is insane, not just because there are thousands of people that move onto the lake bed in Johnson Valley for days and days worth of off-road racing, but...

Unhinged: The Lasting Legacy Of Roadkill

In case you have been living under a rock, have recently come out of a coma, have returned from foreign travel or finally replaced the smartphone that you dropped in the toilet, it is true: in...

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Unhinged: It’s Time For An Adventure!

I’m in a text group with two friends that I graduated high school with. I met one in 1990 and excepting a seven-year gap when I moved away during childhood, have been friends since. The other I...

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Unhinged: Power Tour 2024, From The Eyes Of A First-Timer

I remember seeing the call-out in Hot Rod magazine: how would you like to take your street machine, 4×4, whatever you’ve got that’s cool, and join the magazine staff on a trip from...

Unhinged: How Clean Is Too Clean?

If there is a cleaner example of a 1975-1979 Mopar B-body than Jim Rief’s 1977 Dodge Charger SE, then it is socked away in a corner of a museum that is owned by Stellantis that nobody is...

MORE: MOPAR, Unhinged

Unhinged: Hey, MoParty Crybabies – Stay Home Next Year, OK?

(Lead photo: Justin “Corndog” Cornette) This past weekend was the fourth-annual Holley MoParty. In case you aren’t familiar with the program, Holley takes the show formula that they...

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Unhinged: The Charger’s First Major Roadtrip And The Chryslers At Carlisle Experience

In between BangShift Mid-West to the Carlisle Fairgrounds sits 685 miles of open highway. In any modern car, that’s a cakewalk. If you were driving, say, a 1993 Dodge Daytona IROC, you’d...

Unhinged: An Unhealthy Fixation On An AMC Concord Sedan

In the world of automotive packaging, where style, performance, and utility are supposed to meet in the middle to create something consumers will buy, American Motors was an oddball. They started out...

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Unhinged: Are There ANY New Cars Worth Looking At In 2023? Let’s Find Out!

Forget getting preachy or writing some kind of prose…this is a straightforward question that deserves a straightforward answer. What new 2023 model year vehicle would be worth actually buying...

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Unhinged: The Impact That Ken Block Had

In the nine years that I’ve had here at BangShift, I’ve done my very best to not become too jaded to the car community at large. I’ve also put effort into removing the concept of...

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Unhinged: Driving Dylan McCool’s Cobra II Around At Ford Fest 2022

The entire month of September has been a blur. Three major event weekends have come and gone and in hours, I’m heading out to a well-deserved vacation in a place that has a hot tub, no cell...

Unhinged: The 2023 Chrysler 300C Is Too Little, Too Late

In 1955, Chrysler made a move that could very well be considered the predecessor to the Musclecar Era: take the two-door Chrysler Windsor hardtop body, dump in a dual-carb 331ci Hemi into the engine...

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Unhinged: Cheap-Ass Camping In The Infield At Kansas With Junkyard Digs!

It’s taken about a week to process all of the information you are about to see…and most of the alcohol that was consumed over a weekend that saw all sorts of debauchery, from hot tubs and...

Unhinged: Reviving A Fury Sport, Part 2 – Remove “Simple” From The Vocabulary

Ed. note: This is your language warning. I’m going to have fun with this series. Click here if you missed the first chapter in this series! We had the Plymouth dragged to my house. We had...

MORE: MOPAR, Unhinged