
the car junkie daily magazine.


Category Archive: Unhinged

Unhinged: It’s A New Year…What Would You Like To See Us Do With It?

Is it strange that the novelty of writing for you guys hasn’t worn off yet? It’s been three years since Brian and Chad gave me a shot to put posts up on the page, and since then...

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Unhinged: Yes, The Ford Bronco Is Coming Back. But Don’t Get Your Hopes That Far Up Yet…

Yes, it is finally true and confirmed by Ford Motor Company: The Bronco nameplate will return, as will the Ford Ranger. We knew the Ranger was coming back, but the Bronco, which has been steeped in...

Unhinged: McTaggart’s Favorite Moments From 2016

Brian and Chad promised that 2016 would be one hell of a year, and they delivered in mass amounts. From shows and events to race coverage and even test-drives, 2016 will go down as the year I truly...

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Unhinged: Why Cutting Loose In The Snow Is Good For The Gearhead Soul

It’s reckless, juvenile, and it’s too much fun to resist. Maybe it’s a leftover instinct from childhood that implies that the first snow of the season should be a time for play....

Unhinged: The Blur Of The Last Month (or, Where The Hell Did The Last Three Weeks Go?)

For what feels like the first time in a month, I’m at home working at my desk. I’ve only been home for about four hours now…and I’m still kind of weirded out that I’m...

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Unhinged: How This Too-Clean 1984 Ford Escort Sedan Brings Up Some Very Bad Memories

Looks way too clean to be for sale in 2016, doesn’t it? This 1984 Ford Escort L is currently up on Craigslist (CLICK HERE for the link), but seeing the car doesn’t induce thoughts of a...

Unhinged: A Tribute To The Ultimate Beater, Courtesy Of This 1973 Ford Torino

Not every car deserves to be saved. Some deserve to just be used, abused and fixed up to be abused again, because not every car ever sold was a museum-quality, ultra-rare, whatever the hell model...

Top 11: Lessons Learned From Running The Show At SCSN’s Anarchy At The Arch III In St. Louis!

When I was told that I would be running the show for the live feed from the 2016 Street Car Super Nationals’ “Anarchy at the Arch III” event at Gateway Motorsports Park, I...

Unhinged: …And They Just Kept Coming, By The Hundreds

At some point, I have to stop saying that I’m new to this game. I have to become a touch cynical, a touch…I don’t know how quite to word this without coming off like an...

Unhinged: The Prologue To The 2016 MSHS Hemi’nsanity Race In Detroit

If you ever wondered if it is a glamorous life that we lead for your reading benefit, readers, let me assure you now, as I sit in the hotel room chair nowhere near Milan Dragway, that it is indeed...

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Unhinged: Hitting The Road And Checking Off Bucket List Items!

As you are reading this, Brian and Chad are either on the salt at Bonneville or are en route to standing on racing’s hallowed ground for the first time in a couple of years. We’ve missed...

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Friday Excuse To Go Home And Drink: Australian Safety Freaks Are So Paranoid About Cars, They Created Graham, The Human Crash Test Dummy

How risk-averse are you? Chances are, you aren’t too bad. You know to look both ways before crossing the street. You were taught to not talk to strangers or to ride with people you don’t...

Question Of The Day: What Is The Worst Vehicle You Miss The Most?

Today’s question comes from a camera that I haven’t seen since 2009. As I’ve been sorting through boxes that I haven’t opened since before I left the Army, I’ve been...

Unhinged: The Great Australian Panic Of 2016, Brought To You By Ford.

There are many reasons why I like the idea of visiting Australia: warm climates, beautiful beaches, plenty of prickly pears growing about so that I can have all of the fresh cactus fruit I can stand...