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Category Archive: TECH, Videos

Video: MSD Debuts new ignition systems at 2010 SEMA Show

Longtime BangShift.com sponsor MSD Ignition is on hand at the SEMA show and making big waves. The leader in high performance ignitions could easily sit back and rest on the laurels of the tried at...

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The Parting Shift: An Odd Sequential Shifter for Late Model Mustangs

There’s a European company called SSS Drive that apparently develops sequential shift systems for late model cars. In this week’s Parting Shift we’re bringing you the...

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Dyno Video: Tuning a BangShifter’s Kick Ass Road Racer on the Rollers

BangShift.com member Bob Holmes, along with his teammates competes in the NASA American Iron road racing series. The team competes with a Mustang, but not in the configuration you’d expect....

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Video: The 40th Anniversary Ignition from MSD

Earlier in the week, BangShift.com showed you the new MSD 40th anniversary 6AL ignition box in a cool retro-style look. Power TV was also there in the MSD booth and got this video of our friend and...

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Video of the Week: Chassis-Dyno Accidents

I nabbed four clips off of YouTube for this week’s videos, all of them showing what can go wrong on a chassis dyno. Many of us here have countless dyno pulls under our belts, and it’s...

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