
the car junkie daily magazine.


ADRL SuperCar Showdown Class Open to Far More Than Chevy/Dodge/Ford Models

ADRL SuperCar Showdown Class Open to Far More Than Chevy/Dodge/Ford Models

In a recent announcement, the ADRL sought to clarify their upcoming SuperCar Showdown class. We, like lots of other people took this class to be a haven for the factory drag race cars from the Detroit manufacturers, when in fact is is open to an amazing array of vehicles. The ADRL recently sent out a press release outlining this and included a lot of vehicles that are in current mass production that could be used to compete in the class. Those vehicles range from Camaros and Nissan GT-Rs to Ferrari offerings and even the massive 6,000lb Maybach! Mustangs and Challengers are also part of the equation but not just the highly limited drag specific cars. Guys with production equipment can compete and compete on the same ground as the ADRL plans on using weight to manage performance.

This is pretty neat stuff and while we were puzzled by their decision to announce this at first, it makes a lot of sense to us now. There are very few drag package cars out there and building a class that only they could play in may not draw a ton of car count. What we’re interested in seeing is how the ADRL reaches out into traditionally non-drag racing themed or motivated exotic and super car crowd to get them out to the race track. There’s something very interesting about seeing a ZL1 Camaro line up to tangle with a Ferrari or other exotic that is rarely seen on the street, let alone the strip!

Click the link below to see the full release and a huge list of cars that could potentially compete in the SuperCar Showdown

ADRL SuperCar Showdown Announcement

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2 thoughts on “ADRL SuperCar Showdown Class Open to Far More Than Chevy/Dodge/Ford Models

  1. Tyler G

    This is going to be an interesting class. Living where I do (So Flo) there are a lot of wicked german cars that show up for test and tune events. Did you check the parking lot at PBIR last weekend? 11 sec. 4 dr Benz? Yup, this could get fun!

  2. Anthony

    I really wouldnt mind having the Mercedes in the picture. I any case this is going to be pretty freakin cool.

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