Anglias are steeped in hot rodding history. They were popular cars to use during the Gasser Wars after the NHRA revised wheelbase rules to allow them to run. In stock form, Anglias barely made enough horsepower to haul grocery bags, but drag racers made short work of that problem.
One of the reasons that drag racers of the 1960s loved the cars was low cost. Examples could be bought out of the junkyard for as little as $100.00. Add in the fact that they were very light and had the ability to swallow big motors and it was a match made in heaven. They were ill handling, tempermental, and many were wadded up along the way.
This reminisence was triggered by a great story we found at (?!) about the history of the cars. The piece calls Anglias “the car that gave birth to the hot rod,” which is way over the top, but it’s a great read, anyway. Click here to see the story.