
the car junkie daily magazine.


Caption This: What Was The First Thing Said To The Insurance Agent About This Crushed Jeep?

Caption This: What Was The First Thing Said To The Insurance Agent About This Crushed Jeep?

Have you seen those Farmer’s Insurance ads of late? The ones where the upright Professor Nathan Burke, the bald gentleman in glasses (played by J.K. Simmons, who has played Dr. Skoda on Law and Order, Mayor Lionheart in the Disney movie Zootopia, and is the voice of the yellow M&M in those commercials) explains to someone who is roaming the Hall of Farmer’s, checking out some of the stranger claims ever made towards the company. After getting the explanation that had been preceded by a humorous video, Professor Burke utters his tagline: “We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.” Cue the outro.

It’s not out of reach for an insurance company to see some entertaining claims stories. Bears that broke into the car and mauled the whole interior, construction crew dropped a five-gallon bucket of white paint on and into a drop-top Corvette that happened to be parked at the right angle, an interior that can’t be saved after a fourteen-year-old son’s can of Fart Gas exploded in the car…we imagine that for every fifty fender benders, there’s one call that leaves the helpful agent on the other end of the line biting their tongue so that they don’t break out into uncontrolled laughter at what they are hearing.

I don’t know what Australia’s insurance situation looks like. What I do know is that some agent in Victoria, Australia had one hell of a time on the phone as they were told about what happened to this poor Jeep. The amount of force the hidden garage has to have just to lift a car is more than enough to do some major-league crushing on the JK. What do you think the opening line was to this phone call?

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2 thoughts on “Caption This: What Was The First Thing Said To The Insurance Agent About This Crushed Jeep?

  1. Mopar or No Car

    There is more to this story. The elevator flooded, which explains why the car in the box is not correctly aligned. The theory is water caused the mechanism to operate.

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