
the car junkie daily magazine.


Question of the Day: Are You Doing Anything BangShifty This Weekend?

Question of the Day: Are You Doing Anything BangShifty This Weekend?

We’re smack dab in the middle of the summer and that means that we’re smack dab in the middle of “car season” for those of us not lucky enough to live in climes that are conducive to doing car stuff all year ’round. We’re wondering what you’ve got going on this weekend. Are you racing something, cruising something, wrenching on something, hanging out with any of the above, buying new junk, watching some live streaming racing from Bristol or Santa Pod, or spectating in person at a local track?

Chad’s got a weekend off from his Goodguys announcing duties so he’ll be hanging out in the SoCal scene hitting a show or two and maybe even flip-flopping on the scorched earth known as El Mirage. As for me, I plan on cruising ol’ Brutus the wrecker to a weekly Friday night cruise tonight and then I’ll be at the drags working out my golden pipes for Saturday and Sunday.

Hopefully you have the time and pocket change to do some cool car stuff this weekend, no matter how down and dirty it is. Oh yeah…we’re also going to shoot all the bolts holding the suspension to the chassis of Buford T Justice with WD40 in preparation to pulling that mother apart and starting the upgrades to turn the ol’ bomber into a pursuit vehicle fit for Jackie Gleason’s wildest fantasies.

Question of the day: Are you doing anything BangShifty this weekend?

(Note the hard core tow job we had to press the truck into service for this week)

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23 thoughts on “Question of the Day: Are You Doing Anything BangShifty This Weekend?

  1. Toad

    Gonna be takin my 29′ A model out for the first time. 235 straight 6 with 3 deuces…..with a 5 speed behind it……Gonna be some gear BANGIN’ fun!!

  2. C1BAD66

    ‘Takin’ my son and a newbie neighbor to Sacramento Raceway for the Nostalgia/Heritage Series race, tomorrow. Oh yeah, and the neighbor’s girlfriend who’s gonna be dressed in full ’50’s regalia.

    I’ll just be spectating and re-uniting with racing friends who have towed up from SoCal, Nevada, and Arizona. Four of them are near the top in points.

    Go Dan, Greg, Kurt, Dwight II, and Jerry!

  3. Chassisman

    Friday night hitting the TNT at Famoso with the 13yo’s Junior then loading up and hauling ass for Irwindale for a huge junior race on Saturday …..then hanging with Daphne and Chad after the race for dinner and libations. Sunday will be the 6 hour tow home.

    1. C1BAD66

      I’m headed north and you’re headed south…

      ‘Best of luck to your son tonight and tomorrow!

      Say, “Hi!”, to Chad for me.

  4. squirrel

    I don’t know yet. Might go to the TNT in Tucson next weekend, but this weekend it’s probably just going to be some wrenching.

  5. Speedy

    Is brush hogging Bangshifty?

    Maybe TNT and/or cruise. Might install a swap-meet Holley 885 carburetor on my M211. Or not.

  6. Guitarslinger

    Getting ready for an upcoming 1500 mile road trip as I’ve sworn off the airlines of late 😉

  7. Chad Reynolds

    YES!!! I’ll be hitting multiple shows this weekend and shooting tons of photos. So, by Sunday you’ll have tons of cool stuff to look at.

  8. Ed

    SEMA SAN Collector Car Appreciation Day tonight, working out my “platinum pipes” at the ThunderJam drags Saturday, then heading to Powercruise USA if I’m still alive Sunday.

  9. Matt Cramer

    Not much, I’m going to be helping out my church with some landscaping.

    I will be using an obnoxiously loud, 40 year old Chevy C10 for hauling the sand, though.

  10. Josh

    The HAWK at Road America with Brian Redman and the Concours d’Elegance for Race Cars in Elkhart Lake tonight if the rain holds off.

  11. Schtauffer

    I’m headed for the Eastwood cruise tomorrow.

    Thinking about taking the 67 to Bushkill falls on Sunday. It’s our 6th anniversary.

  12. Greg

    First off Brian, throw away the WD40. Use PB Blaster, works waaayyy better.
    I will be photographing the action at the NMCA/NMRA race at Rt. 66 Raceway on Sunday.

  13. George

    Racing my ’74 Gremlin at Wisconsin International Raceway and continuing to finish up my ’57 GMC 1/2 ton pickup truck with a 292 inline six with lump port head.

  14. Scott Liggett

    Changing the rear springs on the 65 Impala, fix oil leak on the Caprice (I hope.) And, do my engine detail thing on a ’57 Nash Met convert.

  15. John Brewer

    Finishing getting all of the battery acid out of my trailer from the split battery that leaked thanks to America’s great Interstate system here in CA. Also figuring out how to replace the hitch on the front of the trailer which was bouncing so hard due to said roads, it actually broke the metal in 2 places! At least it will only be 95 today instead of the 105’s we had last week!

  16. cyclone03

    I made a little air deflector out of an old Mustang rocker panel trim piece for under the radiator on my Mustang.
    “Think the little rubber strips under the front of newer car and you’ll have the idea”

    I get some reverse air flow that blows forward on the right side,I think it recycles the hot air back into the radiator,we’ll see if I see the difference on the gauge.

  17. Anthony

    Cruise night tonight and tomorrow if it dosent rain a car and airplane show. Should be cool.

  18. Higgy

    I’m gonna try to get all red lights at NED – I succeeded! Brian – Brutus is a perfect name for that “thing”! Where did you find it?

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