So we have been on a cop car kick around here recently. Part of is has been intentional with our coverage of Project Buford T Justice, while the other stuff has either fallen out of the sky into our laps or we’ve been tipped on it. The police training videos featuring mondo 1970s Dodge Polaras tearing around race tracks and making aggressive maneuvers at speed were super cool and bombing around town in our new ex-cop car is big time fun. The obvious question that we have to settle though revolves around what cop car is/was the coolest ever and there have been some good ones.
From the thundering 440ci powered Plymouths and Dodges of the late 1960s to the near 150mph capable Chevy Caprices of the 1990s and the all conquering Panther platform Fords of today, police cars are iconic and memorable. There’s all kinds of mythology surrounding them as well. There isn’t a gearhead out there that hasn’t gotten sweaty palms now and again when a cruiser looms large in the rear view mirror.
While they certainly aren’t the outright fastest cars produced on the market, police cars are largely built like tanks. One need only to watch the insane chase scene from “To Live and Die in LA” to instantly respect the sheer amount of abuse a 9C1 box Caprice can take or watch a couple episodes of Hunter to see how cool Fred Dryer’s Magnum was. Like we said, these things have some mystique!
Outside of the big cars, Mustangs have been used, Camaros as well, AMC Javelins and other oddballs have worn lights and defended the public as well as any other police vehicle has in the past.
You tell us. What is the coolest cop car ever?
Without a doubt it is a 1974 Dodge Monaco.
For me? 5.0L notchback DPS Mustangs.
They started using these just as I was in high school. Was watching some races on a dark road one night and two pairs of headlights suddenly became three pairs. The extra set belonged to a TxDPS Mustang that was neck and neck with the other guys…. we didn’t hang around to find out how it ended.
In the ’70’s, I saw a black and white California Highway Patrol Z-28 Camaro on a mountain road. I thought it might be a movie car. A friend in-the-know said it was for real. The CHP also had a high-perf Mustang and a Hemi Challenger which were used as pursuit vehicles in San Bernardino County.
In the ’60’s, some Marion County (IN) sherriffs drove Galaxies with 410-horsepower 427’s, mechanical lifters and all. I would think those might have a maintenance problem over time. I remember the valvetrain noise could be heard over the exhaust.
Of course I have a soft spot for any of the late 60’s to late 70’s Mopar’s, but my favorites in order are
3rd gen Camaro
and 4th Gen
1938 Imperial — official California Highway Patrol cruiser
Sorry, gotta stick with the 94-96 9C1. The perfect pursuit vehicle.
Did anyone ever actually use the “Carbon” police car that was touted a while back?
They’re all cool, as long as there not behind me with their red lights on.
1968 Chevrolet 427/385HP Biscayne Police Pursuit Package
The 1995-1996 Caprice 9C1 was probably the best all around police car built to date. Decent handling for a land yacht, quick acceleration, (again for a land yacht) and room to actually transport prisoners. I used a 1996 Impala SS in law enforment for several years, (yes I know I was lucky!)
Other than that the 1993 Ford Mustang would top my list.
Going back to before I was driving the KY State Police 270 HP, 2 four, 3 speed stick, 2 door post cars are legendary in this area. Many were bought at auction the following year and their engines ended up in a wide variety of street and drag cars of that era.
Troopers on the GSP here in NJ used 413 Chrysler Newports back in the 60’s. Try out running one of them!!!
1966 Hemi Coronet 4 door. Garlits has one, I think there a few others. The story was some southern sheriffs department got a dealer to order a few.
Ive always had a soft spot for 76’/77′ 9c1 Novas….those hauled ass and handled pretty well too.
70 Monaco or Polara the 95 9c1 Caprice was a great one as well
’71-’72 Dodge Polara.
never behind me lol
but did see them prowling round!!
As much as I LOVE Crown Victorias, I’ve got to say that the top 11 Bitchin Cop Cars are:
11. The new Hemi Chargers
10. Bullitt’s Mustang
9. 1971-72 Ford Custom 500 (see “Streets of San Francisco”, “White Lightning”)
8. 1969-72 Dodge Polaras
7. 1968 Oldsmobile Delmont 88 Apprehender (tested by Tom McCahill in Mechanix Illustrated)
6. 1972 Plymouth Fury I
5. 1955 CHP Buick Century
4. Adam-12 Plymouth Belvedere
3. Special Service 5.0 Mustang Notchbacks
2. Alabama’s 401 AMC Javalins
1. “It’s got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it’s got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It’s a model made before catalytic converters so it’ll run good on regular gas.” (You know what I’m talking about . . . .)
I was a Public Fleet Mechanic (later the Fleet Manager) in the LATE 60’s until 2001. I drove ALL the Police cars including the early 60’s Fords, Dodge Plymouth, Mercury, OLDS, Chevy Including the Camaro in the 80’s and all versions of the Caprice and Crown Vic. I also built and drove race cars (still do) so I have some idea of what FAST can be…
The 440 Magnum 1968-69 had PLENTY of brute TORQUE. In the 70’s they became a slug compared to the 68-69 engines.
The 65 Plymouth had been ordered with the 426 Wedge and were amazing!
When the 2nd series Caprice showed up, we finally had a car that came the closest to the 440 Magnum cars…