
the car junkie daily magazine.


Which Would You Rather Get For Christmas? A New Project, Or The Money To Finish An Old One You Still Have?

Which Would You Rather Get For Christmas? A New Project, Or The Money To Finish An Old One You Still Have?

I have multiple project cars sitting waiting to be finished or even started. In my defense, I have a shop that we are currently building that when done will allow me to work on these projects, but until then I’ve got no room. But assuming I did, would that stop me from looking at other new projects online and drooling over what else is out there? Like most hot rodders and racers, I’m always looking at other stuff online or at a show that makes me all excited and gets my creative juices flowing on what I would do with whatever it is. Of course I have neither the time or money to build everyone that I get excited about in my head, but it sure is fun.

Right now my projects are vehicles I actually want to finish and drive, but there have been times in my life where a project no longer grabbed my attention or had become so frustrating that getting rid of it was arguably the better solution. How about you?

I think most of you are the same as me, and are always looking at other projects even if you know there is no way you are going shopping for one. But if there was no judgement, and no problems with either decision, which one would you make? Would you take a new project or would you rather have the money to finish one that you already have sitting?

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16 thoughts on “Which Would You Rather Get For Christmas? A New Project, Or The Money To Finish An Old One You Still Have?

  1. 75Duster

    I would rather finish the project car with the additional money, I’ve seen too many people with too many project cars go nowhere with the initial project.

    1. Weasel1

      A new project! It gets the juices flowing and reinvigorates me to work on other projects to make room in the shop. I f I die with 3 projects in the shop and 10 waiting for room, I will die happy!

  2. Ron

    I would rather finish to one I have than get a new one. I have 3 project waiting to be started right now. Counting my grandson’s Ram1500 I have two in my shop now.

  3. KCR

    I quit looking for “new” projects quite a while ago. I have enough projects on hand here now. To last me at least 10 years. And I don’t need a lot of money to finish the one I am working on now. So who do I contact about this money you are speaking of?

  4. Robert

    I can’t have too many projects! I always want the next one even though I am not done with the current one.

  5. ratpatrol66

    Have all the time in the world right now being unemployed. Just can’t get off my lazy ass to get anything done! I have 5 projects and just need to get at it!!!

  6. MGBChuck

    I have the money to finish my MGB but these WACKY times make me hesitant to pull the trigger (it’s been a runner for four years, drives great but multi-primer paint and needs some upgrades). It is nice to be ready if the world around me sorts itself out. ————–good question BS

  7. Matt Cramer

    I want the time and money to finish my Dart before I take on anything else. I’ve already had several “This really wasn’t supposed to be a project!” cars siphon off time I could have spent getting the Dart completed and dialed in.

    Also, we need a report spam button.

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