As part of a recently completed site upgrade, readers are now able to comment on BangShift blog items without having to be forum members. We’re sure that there are thousands of you out there gnawing for the chance to tell us how wrong, dumb, ignorant, and lame we are, and perhaps a couple dozen who think we’re right on the money.
Commenting is no sweat. At the bottom of every blog item (even this one!) is a place for you to plug in your name, an e-mail address (if you want) and a spot to say your piece. After that, there’s a line to enter the random text in the box (to try and keep the spam out!) and you are done!
Previously, one had to be a member of the BangShift forum section, which you still should be, but now that we’ve opened up commenting to everyone, you don’t need to be a BangShift insider to share your opinion!
Alright, now that we’ve opened this mother up to everyone, comment like crazy!
let me be the first to say thanks.
Now my life is complete.
Your life’s completion was exactly what we were going for.
On behalf of all of us who are too stupid / lazy / busy / unambitious / or just don’t give enough of a damn…thank you for this opportunity to have to find another reason not to publicly embarrass ourselves. :):)
There…I’ve been waiting for 4 years to get that off my chest!
So, for some reason I’m not seeing the name box. Maybe because I’m logged in already? First blog comment, so I have to figure it out.
Looks like it is because I’m already logged in. Cool
We really appreciate all the things you all do for us, is there a PayPal account set up so we can send our money gifts for Brian and Ched’s b-days? We LOVE you!
Feel free to send money to us at [email protected].
This is really cool !!!
Good ideal , Looking forward to the bantor .
Maybe it will improve, however as of yet — W E A K
it is weak but with any luck we soon get some Epic stories that are BangSht apporved! Oh baby can’t weight.
How’s about a contest to name the dumbest thread and worst “news story” on the site? And/or the biggest waste of time award, to let the cut-and-paste editors here know what is weak-suck and what is decent.
Here’s to teaching them not to waste out time.
Chad and Brad bust their collective butts around here to bring us content, to keep us informed of what is happening, showing us things we’ve never seen. and some stuff we really don’t need to see but they are trying.
And they do this for FREE! Also they polite and never speak ill of any of us, we should respect their house and act as guests. Many of the posts on here are just plain dumb. The board is like our home, let’s not cause any problems, let’s be positive and let’s try hard to keep the place clean so if new advertisers come in to take a look around, they see happiness and not the dumb postings. Remember, Brad/Chad let us come here for free, you don’t see that too much on the Internet. Let’s keep it the way it is! Thanks for listening.
Sorry, but with all the Lame stories posted of late, it’s a “LAMESHIFT” great waste of time. All the guys that post, 15,000 entries fellas and still your POS car isn’t finished.
Oh wait, never worked on because there’s no time to spin wrenches as you’re on the site all day long.
it is not fair to lump in all the members, yes there are some very strange birds that post but such is life. the story goes that the place was started to help out car guys as print magazines are dead, and if not for the guys running it (chad and brad) we would not be able to keep up with the goings on. be happy these two guys take the time out of their lives to help out lives the way they do, for that we should be happy.
stop the madness, support BangShift by purchasing some products like a BangShift T-shirt or belt buckle, they need the money to keep this place a float.
Word on the street the days are numbered.
DA PARTY’S OVER! (or damn near)
LAMESHIFT has jumped the shark
Nobody cares about tractor talk, too far off base with the car guys.
I really can’t see why we can’t just all get along together.
Whinging threads like this and the Hamb one don’t actually help the cause much at all.
I enjoy most rodding sites for the info sharing etc.
Why let personal crap get in the way.
If you have had your hand slapped, then let it be and move on.
We are not school kids you know.
Brad and Chad should really try harder. You know it.