Camaro: A Legend Reborn, by Larry Edsall, is inside baseball, a book for the true lover of the automotive industry and for someone who is a total nosy Nancy that needs to know every last detail of how the new Camaro came about. In short, this is the blow-by-blow account of bringing the car to market and it all started over beers in an English bar back in 2004.
The story of the new Camaro is as good and maybe even better than some of the old stories that came out of GM in the 1960s and 1970s. There were internal battles, exterior pressures, a massive hype machine, and legions of enthusiasts pining for even the smallest morsel of information while the process was ongoing.
This book is also a testament to a major corporation’s ability to control the flow of information out to the media and general public. Considering that there are details which we’d consider “late breaking” covered in this book that was obviously written a while ago (due to the leads times in book publishing) it’s impressive that GM has been able to spoon feed us as they have for this long without too many major breaches of security or issues.
Who knows what’s going to happen with the economy and all the other stuff going on in the world, but we do know that the Camaro is back and being spotted on the streets, so that’s good news for BangShifters everywhere.
This is a large, coffee-table–style book with glossy pages, great photography, and enough information to choke a horse. To fully enjoy this book you need to want to learn about this story of the Camaro and have interest in the inner workings of General Motors, its planning process, design process, and all the inside stuff that goes on to bring a new car to life.
If you are a new Camaro owner this is mandatory material. If you are just a fan of the new car, you could probably pass on this one because it spends a lot of time talking about the creation of the car rather than the car itself. For the dedicated gearhead who loves the inside story, this is the book for you.
That fateful night in the English bar when Ed Welburn gave a weary nod to a designer begging to work on a Camaro may well be a watershed moment in GM history. The new Camaro is one hell of a car and this is one hell of a book.
The book is available from,, and other booksellers.