
the car junkie daily magazine.


Caption this Photo: You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Loose Wheel

Caption this Photo: You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Loose Wheel

New England Dragway competitor Roy Dunn got an interesting surprise on opening day when he launched his nice Monte Carlo down the track and quickly converted it into a model Chevy never made…a trike. The busted axle, with wheel still attached headed for the greener pastures of the right lane, while Dunn got his hobbled Monte stopped safely on the left side of the race track. I happened to be in the tower munching hot dogs with my kids when this happened and zapped a few photos of the track crew helping him collect his forlorn parts and tow his car off the track. This one cracked me up because of Roy’s expression in the middle of the track with his hand on his forehead.

We’re sure Roy is wrenching on his car now to get it repaired and we’re sure you can come up with a good caption for this photo!


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7 thoughts on “Caption this Photo: You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Loose Wheel

  1. jbsjunk

    You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel.

    Picture Kenny Rodgers singing “Lucielle”

  2. NED lover

    Chris Dittmar wants to ban the driver for life for parking on the track, leaving his door open, talking to Jen while she is on the clock, not putting his flashers on, and I hope your kids had a permit for eating the hotdogs!

  3. Birdman

    “While I may have lost the axle and left rear wheel assembly, I’m really proud of the way I was able to parallel park without putting any real effort into it!”

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