Love or hate Quentin Tarantino’s “Death Proof”, you have to approve the car selection. A Vanishing Point-style Challenger, a big-body Mustang that bears a slight resemblance to the original Gone in 60 Seconds version, the all-black Charger with the American Racing Vectors and the push bar that emulated an evil version of the General Lee and such. Then there was the Nova. With the Convoy “Rubber Duck” hood ornament and the “JJZ109” license plate that matches the Bullitt Mustang, it’s full of tributes as well, but ignore that for a second. All you needed to know about the Nova was that it was built to rock from start to finish. Outside of the Hollywood tributes and the gigantic vinyl skull and lightning design on the hood, at it’s core the Death Proof Nova is the stripped down, zero F’s given machine. It’s a screamer of a small block hooked up to a four-speed, and it’s more than willing to be thrown around by the collar. Nevermind Stuntman Mike’s “modifications” or intent of use, it’s the driver’s car for the driver who is hell-bent on leaving rubber on the road wherever that car is going.
Two of the Death Proof Novas survived the filming. One was given to stunt driver Buddy Joe Hooker after the shoot was finished. The other was supposed to be a backup car for the rollover scene when the Nova mows over the Honda, but since that scene went spectacularly well and only needed one take, it left production and wound up as some guy’s high-school ride. And he brought it to Hoonigan to show it off…and of course, rip some donuts. Glad to see it’s still living up to the purpose it was designed for. THAT purpose, not the whole killing thing.
I ran into Buddy Joe and his Deathproof Nova at the weekly Friday night show at Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank about 8-10 years ago. He was such a cool guy. Let crawl all over that car and even get in it. His now has a passenger seat. It was a very cool and unexpected birthday present for me that.