DUDE!!!! Have you ever answered an ad on Marketplace or Craigslist, only to show up and find out that what you thought was going to be some dude’s side yard with the parts car you wanted is really a country house full of really rad parts and project cars?! I know right!?! Okay, so that almost never happens and I never expected it as we drove up to this joint in Conroe Texas, but here’s how it went down.
We had just left Lone Star Throwdown, and Ryan and I were heading to this dude’s house to pickup some parts from a 1986 Dodge D50 that he was parting out. I have recently bought one and was in need of a few small parts and so we were going to drive up, pick up those parts, look to see if the truck had anything else I needed, and then head out to go eat. And then we drove in the driveway and that whole plan went all to shit. In fact, it was such a surprise that we weren’t even shooting video when we pulled up.
When I opened the door and got out, the owner Shawn said hello and realized who I was as I was spouting off about how cool all the stuff was that he had! Then he told us that Finnegan and Freiburger had just been there the day before while buying a new project for an episode of Roadkill. We won’t ruin it by telling you what it was, but I will tell you that it was NOT a Mopar even though this place is full of cool ones.
But enough writing, just watch. This place has cool stuff and Ryan and I had a ball looking around and talking to Shawn. We were there for two hours. No really. Thankfully I have no money to spend. But some of you might, and you need to check out the stuff he’s got. I can put you in touch with him.