Mt Vesuvius On Steel Wheels: Check Out This Steam Tractor Pulling The Sled For Fun

Mt Vesuvius On Steel Wheels: Check Out This Steam Tractor Pulling The Sled For Fun

While this is not the first time we have showed an exhibition pull being made by an awesome and massive steam tractor, we think it may be the most majestic one we have ever showed. You are going to see this big fellow not only chuff its ways down the course, but do so while shooting a truly beautiful column of embers into the sky.

How are they doing this? Saw dust is the most likely answer. By adding sawdust to the fire box you create this effect and it is pretty wonderful looking. Locomotives used to have “spark arrestors” or ember catchers in their smoke stacks. We cannot say for sure if a rig like this would have had one or if it was simply removed for this exhibition.

We love the “high rpm” sound the tractor makes when getting rolling and how it just settles into that low RPM work mode and waltzes down the course with the sled hooked to its back. As steam engines make maximum torque at 1 RPM, the fact that the engine speed is down does not really indicate a problem or that it is being overworked. This thing is just flat getting it done.

The sights and the sounds. So good!

Press play below to see this video of a steam tractor pulling the sled for fun –

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