
the car junkie daily magazine.


Cool Photos: Garlits Still Has It – Photos of Big Daddy Wrenching on a Flathead Ford

Cool Photos: Garlits Still Has It – Photos of Big Daddy Wrenching on a Flathead Ford

Don Garlits’ Museum in Ocala, Florida is one of the greatest drag racing attractions in the world. Many of Big Daddy’s old cars are in there along with dozens of other historically significant race cars from over the years. One of the things that many people overlook is the fact that Garlits actually performs lots of the resto work on the cars himself. These cool photos from Luke Scanlon, captured in the closed to the public skunkworks where the real work gets done, show “the old man” doing what he has done for decades, wrenching away.

The engine you’ll see below will end up in a restored version of the famous Bean Bandits car that Joaquin Arnette and his mates in the car club of the same name ran with great success in the early days of organized drag racing. The multi-carb’s flattie is historically perfect for the chassis which it will be lowered into. 

This isn’t Earth shattering stuff, but it is something that should put a little smile on your face. The greatest drag racer who has ever lived is still a hot rodder, and that is truly awesome. 

Thanks to Berserko Bob for the tip!

Garlits built flathead Ford

Garlits built flattie

Garlits built flattie


Garlits built flat head Ford


Garlitfs built flat head Ford


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1 thoughts on “Cool Photos: Garlits Still Has It – Photos of Big Daddy Wrenching on a Flathead Ford

  1. cyclone03

    That work bench looks like mine!
    I have my own Garlets not at the track story…
    If you get half a chance to go to the Museum do it,I’ve been twice,the first time was the best as a new car was being unloaded and Galets was excited about it and gave me the tour of it,one on one,and my friend got it on tape!
    Problem is my friend was a VHS geek at the time so he has about 100,000 tapes to go threw to find it,oh he has two kids now and a new business…….He’s been “looking” about 5 years now….

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