We swear that this stuff finds us. While piling through Craigslist ads in the Pittsburgh area, we found a listing for a truly unique truck. The concept is totally BangShift approved but the actual truck itself leaves us a little wary. Could mounting a big rig sized fifth-wheel to a “beefed up” 1986 Chevy C30 chassis be a bad idea?
The best part of the truck in our eyes is the low mileage 454 crate motor. Granted it is basically a stocker Mr. Goodwrench unit equipped with an Edelbrock intake manifold and Holley double pumper. According to the seller the truck was used to pull a trailer that fit seven cars at once. It has four fuel tanks, a sleeper bunk, a big tool box and we’re guessing a smell inside that could peel paint.
The best part? The seller claims that the truck is “faster/quicker than most supposedly fast cars,” we’re sure it is the aero advantage provided by the massive roof-top air deflector. The best part of the sales pitch? “This thing will pull a building over and it runs like a race car, and I’m not kidding.” We’re sure he isn’t.
So here’s the question. Would you even buy this thing in the first place, and assuming you did, would you put it back on the road or bolt the 454 into something light and haul some real ass?
Source — Craigslist.com — 1985 Chevy C-30 454 with Big Rig 5th Wheel
put her back on the road, after a good fumigation. for shits and giggle throw a proper bed back on her too, but leave the hitch plate and yeah ive had a couple they haul… only vehicle that truely makes 4 miles to the gallon worth it.. just sayin