Funny CriagsList ads come in all different shapes and sizes. There are the long rambling ones overselling a lame car. There are the long rambling ones that are trying too hard to be clever and just aren’t. There are the unintentionally comedic ones that cause laughter induced hyperventilation because the person is unaware that the thing they are selling is the worst automotive creation of all time, and then there’s ads like the one below that we were tipped off to by Dawn Mazi-Hovsepian, which are so off the flipping wall you have to laugh.
Chances are that if you were born after the middle 1980s, you never had much of a chance to sit in the “way back” or “way way back” of the family station wagon. By the time you were old enough, the prime real estate behind the rear seat of the car was way off limits and your parents were probably afraid that they’d get a ticket for having some untethered kids back there. Hell, my sister and I rode basically from Massachusetts to FLORIDA in the magical zone behind the seats when we took a sojourn in the ’86 Taurus wagon my parents tooled around in back during the 80s.
So this ad was posted by a guy who just wants to throw caution to the wind. He wants to taste the forbidden fruit and enjoy it. He wants to get that weird effect you get from lying down on your back so you can stare out the windows and watch the tree-tops go whipping by in reverse. The man just needs a little help living the dream. Oh, and while the gender of the person who placed the ad isn’t specifically brought up, you know a dude posted this.
Finally, this cracked us up because of its parody-like nature. If it happens to be real, the person who posted it needs professional help and probably needs to be placed on a government list.
I’m looking for someone to drive me around in my station wagon while I’m sitting in the “Way Way back”
I’m looking at a few hours maybe once a week, I don’t have any certain destination, you can pretty much just drive me around anywhere.
I will probably be eating chips back there too.
Must have a valid license and good driving record.
Looking for a nice 2 hour drive this weekend.
Willing to pay a flat rate or trade and take turns sitting in the back.
I had this posted before and found someone that didn’t work out due to strong differences in music taste.
When responded please include your top 5 favorite songs.
Does he wipe the drool off his chin himself? I think someone suffers from the
“station wagon effect”.
I would do it. I used to ride back there, as the fifth child of seven it was my spot until the older kids stopped riding with my parents. A bit of nostalgia. I would probably bottom out the springs in the back, though, so better not.