When we saw photos of this four-door 1957 Chevy for sale in New Jersey we flashed back to a strange time in history called the 1990s. During that time, it was acceptable and in some cases encouraged to paint your car with as busy and confusing a paint job as one could muster. In the 1990s this car would have been a masterpiece.
The car is actually pretty clean and it wouldn’t take but one trip to the paint both to set it right. Yes, it is a four door, but frankly, in our old age we’re becoming more accepting of them. It would be a good cruiser to pack the family into and his the highway with. We’d bet dollar to donuts that the “custom” interior is tweed. That was also de rigeur for the time period.
The price ain’t bad, but we’d pick it up with an enclosed trailer.
LINK: 1957 Chevy Craigslist Ad