Woah, mamma! We hit the engine stash jackpot with this crazy eBay find. The seller is offloading four complete 500ci Pro Stock Hemi engines as well as a Grumpy Jenkins Chevy Pro Stock mill and piles of parts for the low, low sum of $135,000.
The naturally aspirated engines are listed as producing from 1,325-1,345hp each and realistically are good for a Competition Eliminator car or for the casual racer who likes replacing and servicing expensive parts frequently. We still want them, but they’re kind of paradoxical when it comes to usefulness.
You’d probably not be able to bolt them into a modern Pro Stock and hit the campaign trail. The amount of dyno work and testing that those teams do pretty much eliminates all but the hardest core, most modern and refined engine combos. These aren’t them. You wouldn’t want to be using them in your bracket bomber because they require such attention, detail, and frequent service that they’d be broken or you’d be broke half way through the season.
They’d work great in one of the Altered classes of Competition Eliminator where you find lots of old Pro Stocks that sportsman racers have bought and made heavier to fit in a particular class. It would also be bitchin’ to have one on an engine stand in the shop that could be fired up at will. They make awesome noises.
Let’s go in on it together. What’s $135,000 cut four ways? We’re not great at math, but we’re coming up with like $175.00 a piece. We can swing that, but we’re taking the Jenkins motor too.
Source — eBay.com — Pro Stock Hemi Motors and Parts