
the car junkie daily magazine.


Denver Schutz Drives a Front Engine Top Fueler Up a Wall and Down Again Without Flipping

Denver Schutz Drives a Front Engine Top Fueler Up a Wall and Down Again Without Flipping

Today at the 2012 March Meet Top Fuel racer Denver Schutz appeared to suffer a crash on the top end of the race track. In actuality, he pulled off one of the most incredible front engine dragster driving jobs we have ever seen. As you will see in the photos sequence below, shot at the March Meet this afternoon, Schutz was headed for certain doom against the wall past the finish line at Famoso. Using his guile and experience, Schutz gave ‘er full right rudder, which actually allowed the car to start climbing the lower part of the wall. As the car started to come up on two wheels, he nailed the throttle once and possibly twice to keep the car from turning over. His strategy worked as the car landed on four wheels and rolled safely to a stop. Note how fast he is going by our photog, who was buried DEEP into the shutdown area.

Take your time and go through the photo sequence below. This is an amazing piece of driving and frankly, in drag racing you find out who the great drivers are when the crap hits the fan. Schutz saved his own ass and his race car this afternoon. His veteran status in the seat of a Top Fuel slingshot shone through today!

Note the orange timing blog embedded in the front of the digger!


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20 thoughts on “Denver Schutz Drives a Front Engine Top Fueler Up a Wall and Down Again Without Flipping

  1. Brian

    Holy crap that was some great driving from where I was looked like a crash hella good job Denver

  2. Frank

    I bet he had to change the ole Fruit-of-the-looms after that ride, he did a really good job.

  3. Rich Wilcox

    The “bell” bottomed Jersey barriers usually are not kind to a open wheeled car coming into them under power. Glad it turned out well for him!! He was very fortunate … and other than some tweaking, the car looks fairly decent for what it went through.

  4. Jon Litsey

    Wow….saw that live on the video feed and it looked wicked! These pictures really show the excellent driving job Denver did to minimize damage and expense! When it doubt….stick your foot in it and see if it works out! Great pictures…

  5. Fresno Joe

    I was at Famoso yesterday. It looked like the car got sideways through the traps and turned left into the barrier. When it hit the motor zinged from either the linkage getting banged up or Denvers foot hit the floor from the impact. There was a bunch of dirt flying and we thought he turned over. Good job Denver and we’re glad you are okay.

  6. Clint Dobbs

    Note the timing cone stuck to the front of the car! I’ve worked at a dragstrip for 12 years and never seen one stuck on the front of a FED.

  7. Denvers cousin Pete

    Wow Denver I hope aunt Bonnie doesn’t see this !!! glad everything is ok , the car and the fire suit can be replaced. go big or go home you went big!!

  8. Teri

    Wish I was there to see it. Walked to whole place Saturday. I like what your cousin said “Go big or go home” Yes you went BIG. Great Job. Heck of an experience.

  9. Brendan

    I had the best veiw as I was in the other lane ,Denver did an excellent job , He indicated that he was worried where I was at in the other lane ,that kind of thinking comes from 40+ years of driving experience -Thank you Brother !

  10. John Shanks

    Good job Denver. Had a good view from where I was sitting, between half track and finish line. Looked like about half track car was a little out of the groove to the left. The rear of car started coming around to the right then up on the 2 left side tires after that against the wall up on 2 right tires, r’s came up and drove it to a safe stop. Way to drive Denver.

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