What truly makes Bonneville Speed Week special is the variety of vehicles that you see hauling ass down the salt. Different body styles, different engine combos, and different visions are what Bonneville Speed Week is all about, and it is what people who come for the first time always comment on. There are so many classes, so many combos within those classes, and so much flexibility in how you build your perfect race car for Speed Week, that there is no way that any two are exactly the same. Streamliners, Lakesters, door cars, roadsters, and sports cars just scratch the surface as there are so many different classes, variations, and interpretations of each of these classifications. When you watch the two videos below, one that is all record runs from Bonneville Speed Week 2020, and the other that is nothing but Muscle Cars on the salt, you’ll get to see just how cool this place is and just how cool the racing is.
Watch and see what you think and tell us what vehicle in these videos is your favorite. Would you rather drive a streamliner down the salt? A lakester? That’s like a streamliner but with the wheels hanging out. Or a door car? Maybe a roadster?
Watch and tell us what you think.