(Words and photos by Doug Gregory) – Fifteen hundred and thirty-three. 1,533 registered cars. More showed up after registration. By a large margin the 2015 edition of the relatively young annual event was a huge success. Not only did it grow, but lots of rides we’d never seen before graced us with their presence. You would likely be hard-pressed to find over 1,500 cars in downtown Cynthiana on any given business day. This small town founded in 1793 and with a population of little more than 6,300 is located within Harrison county in Central Kentucky. It has the distinction of being the site where most of the world’s Post-It notes are made in the local 3M plant. It was the Northern-most site attacked in Morgan’s Raid during the Civil War. The townspeople are full behind this yearly event and it has grown tremendously during its relatively few years.
Some highlights in this gallery are:
Tilt front end Lark Gasser
Crusty-perfect Metro
A Morris gasser with attitude and altitude
Cruise-tastic Blue Coronet 440 wagon
Difficult-to-miss lime-green Bronco
Also are the few good shots we got of the burnout competition held behind a local body shop. It was beyond standing room only for this. Much fun, hooting, and hollering was accomplished.
Click the photos below to expand ’em and then scroll through to see all!
love these cars and trucks.